Cassie settles claim with Sean 'Diddy' Brushes after assault, actual maltreatment claims - News advertisement

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Saturday, November 18, 2023


Cassie settles claim with Sean 'Diddy' Brushes after assault, actual maltreatment claims

 Cassie documented a government claim against her ex Sean 'Diddy' Brush on Thursday, Nov. 16

November 18, 2023


Vocalist Cassie and Sean "Diddy" Brushes have arrived at a settlement in the previous' sexual maltreatment claim, just a day in the wake of recording it.

Genuine name Cassandra Ventura, the 37-year-old artist sued Looks over allegations of assault and actual maltreatment during their relationship.

"I have chosen to determine this matter agreeably on conditions that I have some degree of control. I need to thank my family, fans and attorneys for their unflinching help." Ventura said in the articulation.

"We have chosen to determine this matter agreeably," Brushes said in his own explanation. "I want Cassie and her family to enjoy all that life has to offer. Love."

Terms of settlement are as yet left hidden.

Cassie and Diddy dated on-and-off somewhere in the range of 2007 and 2018. In the protest recorded Thursday, Nov. 16, The Ideal Match entertainer portrayed Brushes as "awful, horrible, and controlling man," who "stated unlimited authority over [her] individual and expert life."

The 54-year-old artist was likewise blamed for causing actual maltreatment for the multi-join star after two met when the last option was just 19 years of age.

In a proclamation delivered through his lawyer, the Last Evening rapper "fervently" denied Ventura's cases, communicating the vocalist attempted to extort him for $30 million.

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