I'll become PM after nikah with Bushra Bibi', Aun Chaudhry quotes Imran Khan in testimony - News advertisement

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Tuesday, November 28, 2023


I'll become PM after nikah with Bushra Bibi', Aun Chaudhry quotes Imran Khan in testimony

 The disclosure comes during procedures of cases connected with asserted "unIslamic nikah" of ex-PM, the previous first woman

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Mufti Saeed says he was guaranteed of prerequisites of nikah under Shariah.
Aun says Imran said he "purposely had nikah in Bushra Bibi's iddat".
Bushra Bibi's ex difficulties with her nikah with Khan in the neighborhood court.

ISLAMABAD: Aun Chaudhry on Tuesday said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Administrator Imran Khan told him "I will end up being the top state leader after nikah with Bushra Bibi".

The disclosure came during the procedures of the case connected with the supposed unIslamic marriage of the previous top state leader with Bushra Riaz Wattoo — otherwise called Bushra Bibi — as Aun recorded his declaration as an observer.

A few other charming disclosures by the observers have been made with respect to the marriage contention, which has been for some time held since Imran's third marriage.

Bushra Bibi's previous husband Khawar Maneka tested the PTI boss' nikah with his ex-companion the week before.

The request was recorded in a locale and meetings court in Islamabad, simply a day after a comparative request that supposed Imran and the previous first woman's nikah was "solemnized against Sharia", was excused.

Maneka, in his supplication, named the PTI boss' nikkah as deceitful, saying the marriage was solemnized during the iddat period (the time a lady goes into confinement after her significant other bites the dust or separations her).

During the consultation in the nearby court today, Mufti Saeed — who purportedly solemnized the nikah two times, and Aun — who was one of the observers of the marriage — kept their explanations for the situation.

The pastor, while giving his explanation, told the meetings court judge Qudratullah that he had great binds with the PTI director and he was an individual from the party's center board of trustees at the hour of Khan's third marriage.

"Imran Khan reached on January 1, 2018 and requested that I solemnize his nikah with Bushra Bibi in Lahore," Mufti Saeed told the court.

He said that he went to Lahore's Protection region according to the PTI boss' order. There were a many individuals including "Bushra Bibi's sisters", he added.

The minister said that he asked a lady, who had presented herself as the sister of Bushra Bibi, on the off chance that every one of the necessities under Sharia were finished for the nikah. To which, the lady answered in positive and said that the nikah could be solemnized, he added.

At this, the adjudicator asked Mufti Saeed for what valid reason didn't he actually pose the inquiry to Bushra Bibi. To this, the priest said that such inquiries are not posed from the one who is going to get hitched in this general public.

Mufti Saeed then, at that point, let the court know that he solemnized Imran and Bushra Bibi's nikah, after which they moved to Bani Function.

He further expressed that the previous chief reached him again in February 2018 and he was informed that the nikah in January was solemnized during Bushra Bibi's iddat.

At this, the adjudicator asked who had reached him to request solemnizing the nikah once more. Nonetheless, the pastor answered that he didn't recall that.

It very well might be noticed that Mufti Saeed has made comparable disclosures about Khan's nikah with Bushra Bibi, while keep his assertions in the past case.

While recording his assertion, Aun let the court know that he was one of the observers of the nikah and when Mufti Saeed got some information about her conjugal status before the nikah, she let him know that she had been separated and every one of the prerequisites for the marriage were finished.

Aun said that the fresh insight about Imran and Bushra Bibi's nikah before long arisen in the media yet when the reports of nikah during her iddat surfaced, he kept up with quiet.

He said that the PTI executive advised them to keep silent on the media reports and said that he would have another nikah with Bushra Bibi in February 2018.

Aun said that Bushra Bibi let him know that her iddat was finished between February 14 and 18, after which a second nikah of her and Imran was solemnized in February.

"I was available there and a recording of the occasion is likewise present. I and Zulfi Bukhari stood observer to the second nikah," he added.

The previous assistant of the PTI executive further expressed that Imran let him know that he would turn into the chief assuming he wedded Bushra Bibi.

"I purposely had the first nikah during iddat," Aun cited Khan as saying.

He guaranteed that the first nikah false as it was under the impact of an expectation and against Shariah and regulation.

After the culmination of explanations, the court concluded the procedures till December 2, while gathering the third observer for the situation on the following hearing.

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