The defamation bill was not made for journalists. Provincial Education Minister Rana Sikandar Hayat - News advertisement

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Monday, June 10, 2024


The defamation bill was not made for journalists. Provincial Education Minister Rana Sikandar Hayat

 Google is certifying three lakh students, Google team will come to Pakistan

Monday 10 June 2024

Lodhran (Urdu Point Latest News. June 10, 2024) Punjab Provincial Education Minister Rana Sikandar Hayat has said that we want to write the stories of development that we hear about countries under the leadership of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif. Speaking to the media at the residence of political and social figure Rana Ali Shawwal, his uncle MPA Dr. Rana Mohammad Tariq Khan in Lodhran, PPP MPA Rana Iqbal Siraj from Multan, PML-N MP Arana from Khanewal said. Salim and Jalalpur Pirwala MPs from PML-N Anazik Karim Long and Rana Wali-ur-Rehman also accompanied him.

Rana Sikandar Hayat further said that students in Punjab only have matric and FSC knowledge in science and arts. In order to make Pakistan famous in the world, the biggest problem of our youth is the lack of international certification. The Google team is coming to Pakistan soon and will meet the Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz. Google is certifying three lakh students, teachers and Students will also be certified by Google. Rana Sikandar Hayat said that for the first time the result cards of students of public schools will go to their homes. In the last three years, IT exports have exceeded one billion to three billion dollars.

Many top institutions of the world are coming to Pakistan in the IT City. There are 8 districts of Punjab where there are no universities. The first priority of the Chief Minister is that there should be an active campus of the university in these 8 districts. Talking about the Defamation Bill, Rana Sikandar Hayat. said that when we were briefed about this bill, journalism was not mentioned even once. I believe in freedom of expression and think that every citizen should be allowed to speak freely.

This bill is not made for running news, the system in this country is to take the date, present the date of the year, give it a time bound, so that if any issue is wrong or right, it can be decided. Do not conduct the case for four or six years and after that the case will be in the next court and by the time the decision of the case comes then the defendant may not be in this world.

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