Hania Aamir uncovers justification for leaving Dallas show - News advertisement

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Thursday, December 26, 2024


Hania Aamir uncovers justification for leaving Dallas show

 Entertainer says she and her group were obnoxiously attacked by one of coordinators

December 26, 2024


Pakistan's showbiz star, entertainer and country's heart breaker Hania Aamir revealed the justification for leaving a meet-and-welcome show in Dallas, Texas in a Story on her Instagram account.

Hania went to a meet and welcome show alongside her co-entertainer Fahad Mustafa for advancing their TV dramatization Kabhi Mein Kabhi Tum. During the show, one of the coordinators acted up with the showbiz sensation's director and she wound up leaving the occasion.

The Janaan entertainer took to her Instagram and communicated enormous dissatisfaction at the impossible connection that occurred during the show.

"Everybody saw recordings of me strolling to the group and taking pictures and all was well. At the point when I was returning to my seat I heard one of the coordinators obnoxiously misuse my administrator. So I approached her and asked what had occurred and told the man (one of the coordinators) that he can't address her like this. She was troubled to the point that she went behind the stage. I followed her to ensure she was OK and Fahad being an honorable man likewise came to determine the status of her," the entertainer composed.


She likewise uncovered how a similar coordinator loudly manhandled her and her group much more when they began taking photographs with the fans at the rear of the stage. The circumstance deteriorated that individuals (her fans) needed to keep the man down.

"Then we chose to begin with the photographs with the fans behind the stage, right now he came pursuing us, calling us names, advising us to get out, canceled the security conventions, and loudly attacked us significantly more (individuals needed to keep him down). We were hurried out by our advertiser Arif Khan to not further heighten anything and we dealt with an individual method for transport to get back securely to the inn," she composed.

Furthermore, the sparkling entertainer valiantly affirmed that nobody ought to disregard anybody no matter what their status or position.

She additionally accentuated that individuals shouldn't feel that they are pardoned from responsibility since they designated ladies, who work in male-overwhelmed fields.

Hania said: "whatever your situation, first and foremost, might be, large or little, it gives you no option to affront anybody. Besides, on the grounds that us [we] ladies are in male overwhelmed fields, gives you no option to expect that you can pull off nearly anything and that we won't stand firm for ourselves."

In addition, the Anaa entertainer likewise requested that advertisers and coordinators of such occasions ought to ensure that such individuals don't demolish the day for everybody.

She was sorry to her fans as well as immovably held fast and encouraged media houses to shun making charges about specialists with practically no respect for realities.

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