Saif Ali Khan blade assault case: Blamed escaping Mumbai captured from moving train - News advertisement

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Saturday, January 18, 2025


Saif Ali Khan blade assault case: Blamed escaping Mumbai captured from moving train

 January 18, 2025


The suspect in the blade assault case on Bollywood entertainer Saif Ali Khan has been captured.

As indicated by Indian media reports, the charged was being followed by the Mumbai Police and was arrested from a moving train.

Indian media say the suspect has been distinguished as 31-year-old Akash Kanojia and was gotten while going via train from Chhattisgarh

The Indian Rail route Security Power affirmed the capture of the denounced, saying that the blamed was going via train from Mumbai to the city of Howrah in West Bengal. Authorities said that the Mumbai Police had sent a photo of the blamed, which was minded the train and the denounced was available.

He said that Mumbai Police likewise affirmed the suspect through a video call, after which he was removed the train, arrested, and will be given over to Mumbai Police.

 Indian Rail line Insurance Power authorities say that the blamed is an occupant for Mumbai. Then again, the Indian media has likewise delivered a photograph of the claimed charge


It ought to be noticed that yesterday, Indian media additionally professed to have captured the blamed for the situation, yet the police denied it and said that the captured charged was not connected with the assault on Saif Khan.

In excess of 30 Mumbai Police groups are working in the assault case on Saif Ali Khan.

It ought to be noticed that on the mediating evening of Wednesday and Thursday this week, at around 3 am, an endeavored burglary was endeavored at Saif Ali Khan's Bandra house in Mumbai, which the entertainer opposed and thwarted.

During the obstruction, Saif Ali Khan was gone after with a blade, causing him 6 injuries, 2 of which were very profound, while one injury was nearest to the spine.

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