Second period of Gaza truce arrangement, Hamas discharges 4 additional Israeli ladies - News advertisement

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Saturday, January 25, 2025


Second period of Gaza truce arrangement, Hamas discharges 4 additional Israeli ladies

  January 25, 2025


In the second period of prisoner discharges under the Gaza truce arrangement, the Palestinian obstruction association Hamas has delivered more Israeli prisoners.

As per Bedouin media reports, Hamas delivered four Israeli prisoners under the truce arrangement.

A Hamas representative says 200 Palestinian detainees will be let out of Israeli prisons in return for Israeli prisoners

It ought to be reviewed that a truce understanding was reached among Hamas and Israel through the intercession of Qatar, the US, and Egypt, under which the 15-drawn out battle in Gaza finished.

In the principal period of the prisoner discharge, Hamas delivered three Israeli ladies in return for 90 Palestinians.

Then again, regardless of the truce understanding, Israeli powers keep on completing military tasks in southern Gaza and other involved Palestinian domains, and almost twelve Palestinians have been martyred since the truce started

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