Pink eye infection: Don't self-medicate, warns health expert - News advertisement

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Saturday, September 30, 2023


Pink eye infection: Don't self-medicate, warns health expert

 Saturday, September 30, 2023


Punjab Clergyman for Essential and Auxiliary Medical services Dr Jamal Nasir Saturday cautioned people in general against falling back on self-prescription in the midst of the overall conjunctivitis "pink eye" episode in the region.

Conversing with PTV news, Dr Nasi encouraged the patients to involve recommended eye drops and tissues for purging their eyes. He likewise featured the meaning of involving hand sanitisers as prudent steps against the profoundly infectious contamination.

The clergyman cautioned people in general to shun self-prescription as it very well may be harmful to their eyes.

Remarking on the conjunctivitis episode in the region, Dr Nasir said that the pink-eye contamination is spreading quickly in thickly populated urban communities where individuals are presented to disagreeable conditions, like manufacturing plants, marketplaces, markets, and strip malls.

Complementing the security rules gave by the wellbeing division the priest said: "The Punjab wellbeing division has made all emergency clinics of the region aware of make most extreme game plans in their ophthalmology and short term divisions."

The wellbeing division has proactively given security rules to manage the sickness, he added.

To another inquiry, he said all patients with eye sicknesses ought to visit government clinics where the eye experts had been approached to stay working.

Pink eye cases close to 100,000 imprint in Punjab

Viral conjunctivitis or 'pink eye' cases spiked to almost 100,000 in Punjab in only a couple of days, raising cautions over the very infectious contamination, which in uncommon cases can make the cornea become persistently excited, prompting extremely durable vision issues.

As per the sources inside the wellbeing division, upwards of 10,269 instances of eye contamination have been accounted for as of now, surpassing the 90,000 imprint.

The largest number of pink eye cases were accounted for in Bahawalpur with 1,540 individuals experiencing the disease. In the mean time, 1,132 have been accounted for in Faisalabad, 1,048 in Multan 608 in Rahim Yar Khan, and 452 patients in Lahore.

Conjunctivitis typically influences the two eyes and makes them:


Consume or feel coarse

Produce discharge that sticks to lashes



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