Top leadership calls for unity as nation marks Eid Milad un Nabi - News advertisement

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Friday, September 29, 2023


Top leadership calls for unity as nation marks Eid Milad un Nabi

 Friday, September 29, 2023


The day breaks with a 21-weapon show respect for by the Pakistan Armed force.
President congratulates country, Ummah on the present favored day.
PM believes that country should submit to Prophet (PBUH's) lessons of sympathy.

The nation's top initiative Friday called for solidarity as the country stamped Eid Milad un Nabi — the birth commemoration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Petitions to heaven were held in mosques and naats — the commendation of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) — were presented on amplifiers, with individuals likewise outfitting to hold parades in a few urban communities.

Safety efforts were likewise taken considering enormous social affairs, while streets will likewise be impeded to permit the parades to flawlessly stream.

The Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH) parades will be taken out and 'Mahaafil-e-Milad' will be facilitated in a few little and significant towns and urban communities the nation over to commend the purified day and a symbol of remarkable strict importance in more than 1,400 years of age Islamic history.

Individuals additionally enlightened mosques, sanctums, noteworthy locales, public and confidential structures, markets, business regions, primary city streets, and roads with vivid lights and buntings.

The day unfolded with a 21-weapon show respect to by the Pakistan Armed force, who petitioned God for Pakistan's security and harmony as it goes through a fierce period — confronting perhaps of the most obviously terrible financial emergency.

Catching the genuine soul of the propitious event, residents were seen offering food to the penniless, while neighbors and family members sent each other sweet dishes in the soul of festivity.

'Leniency for every one of the universes'

President Dr Arif Alvi congratulated the Pakistani country and the Muslim Ummah on the present favored day.

In a message on the event of twelfth Rabiul Awal, he said the appearance of Prophet (PBUH) was great greetings for letting the experiencing free mankind, adding that the appearance of Sacred Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the best and the most honored occasion ever.

The president expressed because of Sacred Prophet (PBUH), mankind was regarded with the prize of direction and leniency from Allah All-powerful.

He said Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was brought to this world as the "benevolence for every one of the universes".

Alvi said the existence of the Sacred Prophet (PBUH) was an encapsulation of compliance to Allah, equity, sympathy, and love towards people.

He said Sacred Prophet (PBUH's) lessons are a general and undying wellspring of direction for humanity and present answers for uncountable difficulties being confronted today and to be looked till the Judgment day.

"In the entire existence of Blessed Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we view as an ideal model for confidence and love, yet additionally for all parts of life."

Alvi expressed lessons of the Heavenly Prophet (PBUH) concerning the unity of Allah, civil rights, common liberties, orientation uniformity, and government assistance of the poor mirrored the breadth and all inclusiveness of the message of Islam.

He said Pakistan was a country with various societies and strict variety. "We ought to give significance to this variety and ought to turn out constantly for the advancement of solidarity and better comprehension among the compatriots."

The president called for letting down every one of the powers that were quick to obliterate the solidarity in Pakistan.

"Allow us to contemplate upon the life and lessons of the Sacred Prophet (PBUH)," he said.

'Sympathy, resistance'

Guardian State head Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar asked the country to submit to Sacred Prophet (PBUH's) lessons of fellowship and sympathy other than following his message of solidarity to turn into an illustration of resistance and concurrence.

The state head, in his message to the country on Eid Milad-un-Nabi, stretched out his good tidings to the entire of the Pakistani country as well as the Muslim world.

He said the Muslims were lucky to be the devotees of Blessed Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was the exemplification of all characteristics being imitable for each individual.

He said the Sacred Prophet (PBUH's) life was a brilliant illustration of sympathy, resistance, and love with his personality showing thoughtfulness, equity, and kindness to turn into a beam of trust in the present partitioned world.

The head of the state called for going to Sacred Prophet (PBUH's) lessons, especially when Pakistan was confronted with various difficulties.

Kakar additionally called for sympathy for poor people and penniless as accentuated by the Blessed Prophet (PBUH).

"Allow us to meet up to help the people who are battling, become a supporting hand for those out of luck, and fabricate a superior and more equivalent society for all," he commented.

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