How Cassie's significant other aided her continue on after very long term maltreatment from Diddy - News advertisement

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Sunday, November 19, 2023


How Cassie's significant other aided her continue on after very long term maltreatment from Diddy

 Cassie as of late settled her maltreatment and assault claim with Sean 'Diddy' Brushes

November 19, 2023


Cassie's significant other was incredibly steady of her retaliating against Sean 'Diddy' Brushes' supposed long term misuse.

As Cassie and Diddy settle the sensation claim among themselves, sources told Individuals Magazine that her better half Alex Fine, whom Cassie began dating that very year she split with Diddy, has been on her stone all along.

"He's had her covered through a great deal," the source recognized.

"At the point when [Ventura and Combs] dated, she was truly youthful and attempting to make it in the music business," the source additionally reflected. "He was a power. They had a major age hole, and she set up with a great deal of stuff. She was searching for an out for a long time and didn't have any idea how to escape the relationship."

Not long after the Long Way 2 Go songstress at last figured out how to break liberated from the Revolt pioneer in 2018, she met and wedded Fine.

The two had met when Fine, a fitness coach and health specialist, began working with Diddy and, likewise, his then-sweetheart Cassie.

"They hit it off, and she began to open dependent upon him," the source additionally uncovered.

Ventura and Fine have since constructed a "very close" family, inviting three-year-old Frankie Stone and 2-year-old Cinco throughout the following couple of years.

It was probably her family who gave Cassie the push to at last take a stand in opposition to the long term physical, close to home, and rape, including regular sex dealing, that she encountered because of Brushes.

Recently, she documented a claim against him, which they have since settled.

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