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Sunday, November 12, 2023


Justice (retd) Arshad Hussain Shah appointed interim KP CM

 Shah was serving as the law minister in former CM Muhammad Azam Khan's cabinet

Sunday, November 12, 2023


Lead representative Ghulam Ali says he made a prompt move.
PTI pioneer expresses party to not acknowledge arrangement.
New CM additionally filled in as regulation priest in guardian bureau.

PESHAWAR: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Lead representative Haji Ghulam Ali Sunday marked the rundown of Equity (retd) Arshad Hussain Shah's arrangement as the new guardian boss priest of the region.

The improvement comes after Muhammad Azam Khan — who was the guardian boss clergyman — died in the wake of experiencing a coronary failure daily prior.

Azam was selected as the overseer boss pastor in January this year following the disintegration of the commonplace get together by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)- drove government.

Following his downfall, previous KP CM Mahmood Khan and resistance pioneer Akram Khan Durrani held a consultative gathering to examine the arrangement of the new commonplace CEO.

The two chiefs settled Shah's name and sent the outline to the lead representative for endorsement.

Hailing from Abbottabad, Shah was filling in as the law serve in previous CM Muhammad Azam Khan's bureau. Prior to joining the bureau he had likewise filled in as the main equity of the Gilgit Baltistan from 2019-2022.

In front of their gathering, Durrani said that KP had dove into an emergency after Azam's passing. He added that the issue of arrangement will be settled today.

"I will talk about the arrangement of break CM with readiness. I will likewise persuade Mahmood Khan as nobody dismisses my ideas," he had said.

On Saturday, Lead representative Ali had composed a letter to Mahmood and Durrani, requesting that they settle on a name for the common post.

PTI not to acknowledge CM

In the interim, PTI pioneer Zahir Khan Toru said that the party won't acknowledge the new boss priest whose arrangement is chosen by the previous CM and resistance pioneer.

Toru said that they will move the court assuming the new boss clergyman's arrangement is finished by Khan and Durrani. He further focused on that the matter ought to be addressed naturally, saying that the lead representative shouldn't make his recipes.

"The new CM picked by Mahmood Khan, Ghulam Ali and Akram Khan Durrani will be a political one," he said, adding that a level battleground isn't normal from the picked CM.

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