Marilyn Mosby: It's not over for former Baltimore prosecutor charged with perjury - News advertisement

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Saturday, November 11, 2023


Marilyn Mosby: It's not over for former Baltimore prosecutor charged with perjury

 Jury convicted former top prosecutor Marilyn Mosby of Baltimore guilty of two charges of perjury

Saturday, November 11, 2023


Marilyn Mosby, one of Maryland's most powerful law enforcement figures, faces the possibility of prison or losing her license on a perjury charge.

On Thursday, a jury found former top prosecutor Mosby of Baltimore guilty of two counts of perjury.

At trial, Mosby was represented by prominent barrister J Wyndal Gordon: "The jury seems to have gone for Mrs Mosby and her income."

After the sentencing, Gordon texted Mosby.

"All I could do was text her and say we're still praying for you and your family," Gordon said.

The jury concluded that Mosby lied to withdraw money from her retirement account and claimed she had lost money for her Mahogany Elite travel service due to Covid-19.

Mahogany Elite's latest Instagram photo shows her vacation in Jamaica.

The indictment, which alleges Mosby got a lower interest rate on one of her Florida vacation homes by pretending she wasn't renting it out — despite every intention of doing so — has indicated they may move forward with the mortgage fraud case.

Perhaps a plea deal can be negotiated. No court date has been set.

"Some might say she brought it on herself," Gordon said. "I'm not signing up for that. Fine. You got what you wanted. She's out of office. I hope and pray she doesn't do any time in jail. I just don't think it's necessary to put Marilyn Mosby in jail."

For each of the two perjury charges, Mosby faces a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison.

A sentencing date has not yet been set by U.S. District Judge Lydia K. Griggsby.

Mosby is also charged with two counts of fabricating mortgage applications in a concurrent federal case involving the acquisition of two vacation properties in Florida.

Those charges remain pending and a trial date has not been set.

If convicted of these counts, the defendant faces a maximum of 30 years in federal prison for each of the two remaining counts.

The actual penalties for federal crimes are usually less than the maximum penalties.

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