The denounced who harmed Saif Ali Khan was gotten for what botch? Police uncover - News advertisement

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Monday, January 20, 2025


The denounced who harmed Saif Ali Khan was gotten for what botch? Police uncover

  January 20, 2025


Indian police have shared insights regarding the suspect who harmed Bollywood entertainer Saif Ali Khan, making sense of the missteps he made that prompted his capture.

As per Indian media reports, 6 hours after the assault on Saif, the denounced purchased earphones from a store in Dadar at around 9 am, which was recorded on CCTV, while the charged was gotten while going via train from Chhattisgarh.

As indicated by sources, the charged, Shariful Islam Shahzad, ate at an inn, purchased and ate paratha, and covered the bill through Google Exchanges on his cell phone rather than cash, which was his greatest mix-up, after which the police followed him and captured him at his place

Sources likewise said that the charged used to work in a café where his persistent effort was valued.

It ought to be noticed that last week, at around 3 am on the mediating evening of Wednesday and Thursday, an endeavored burglary was endeavored at Saif Ali Khan's Bandra house in Mumbai, which the entertainer opposed and thwarted.

During the obstruction, Saif Ali Khan was gone after with a blade, causing him 6 injuries, 2 of which were very profound, while one injury was nearest to the spine

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