Weight loss medication Ozempic allegedly 'takes woman's life' - News advertisement

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Friday, November 10, 2023


Weight loss medication Ozempic allegedly 'takes woman's life'

 Trish Webster lost 16 kilogrammes altogether in three months, but that came at the cost of her life


An Australian lady lost her life after purportedly taking endorsed Ozempic to shed load for her little girl's wedding, The Free detailed.

The 56-year-old Trish Webster was taking Ozempic, which is one of many medications named GLP-1s. They are utilized to treat type 2 diabetes. Nonetheless, some of them have been FDA-endorsed to treat constant weight the board.

Ozempic has turned into a thing via virtual entertainment as individuals are taking the medication after it was either supposed or affirmed that forces to be reckoned with and superstars were taking it to control their weight.

The medication copies the regular chemical GLP-1 by conveying messages to an individual's cerebrum that they are full — regardless of whether they aren't.

In a meeting with an hour Australia, Trish's better half Roy Webster said his significant other saw the promotion for Ozempic on the TV and got a medicine from a specialist.

The 56-year-old was attempting to shed load by practicing and abstaining from excessive food intake, yet it wasn't as successful. She needed to drop a couple of kilos before her little girl's important day.

"My girl was getting hitched, and she recently continued to make reference to that dress that she needed to wear," Mr Webster reviewed to the Television program.

"She went to the dressmaker to get the estimations. It was one major bad dream from that point."

Trish lost 16 kilograms out and out in 90 days, yet that came at the expense of her life.

The maker of Ozempic, Novo Nordisk, guaranteed that reports of ileus arose after the medication was at that point available for use, proposing an absence of earlier familiarity with the gamble.

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