4 members of the Pakistani family who oppressed the daughter-in-law in Britain have been found guilty - News advertisement

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Tuesday, December 19, 2023


4 members of the Pakistani family who oppressed the daughter-in-law in Britain have been found guilty

 Umbreen went to UK from Pakistan to marry Asghar in 2014

Tuesday 19 December 2023

London (Urdu Point Latest News - Online. December 19, 2023) Four members of a British family of Pakistani origin were found guilty of causing bodily harm to daughter-in-law Umbrian Fatima. According to a foreign news agency, Asghar Sheikh, father-in-law Khalid Sheikh, mother-in-law Shabnam Sheikh and sister-in-law Shagufah Sheikh of the woman named Umbreen Fatima were found guilty of keeping Umbreen unconscious for 3 days before calling an ambulance. I let her stay which resulted in her being sick for 8 years.

The court was told that Umbreen had moved to the UK from Pakistan to marry Asghar in 2014, and within months she had become socially isolated due to stress. The trial began in early October this year. .

In addition to the husband, the court also found the in-laws guilty of conspiring to pervert justice. The jury at Leeds Crown Court returned a unanimous guilty verdict against the husband and his family after more than 10 hours of deliberation.

Dewar Saqlain was found not guilty of causing or permitting grievous bodily harm to the woman. Prosecutor Robert Stein-Smith presented a disturbing account of neglect and abuse, saying Umbreen became very weak by the end of July 2015, Aug. 1. In 2015, Shagofa Sheikh called the ambulance service to report that Umbreen was not breathing properly.

Paramedics found him unconscious. The woman had severe burns to her lower back, possibly caused by a caustic substance. The court was told that Umbreen was kept unconscious for 3 days before an ambulance was called. Umbreen survived the life-threatening injuries but was unable to communicate. Police were alerted after doctors expressed concern that Umbreen's injuries were suspicious because nurses feared she was malnourished.

Prosecutors argued that Umbreen may have unintentionally taken anti-diabetic medication, causing serious harm. However, further examination revealed additional injuries, including an injury to the woman's right ear and caustic burn marks on her back. Prosecutors said his condition may have been caused by hypoglycemia, which causes brain swelling and loss of consciousness.

Prosecutors say she does not have diabetes. All five of the woman's family, including her brother-in-law, were also charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The court heard the family allegedly used Umbrian's dirty clothes to hide evidence. and laid off the bed, because they gave false information about his condition to the ambulance crew. Prosecutors allege that one or more of the accused attempted to conceal his unconsciousness before calling an ambulance. The police questioned family members living in the same house, but no one explained what had happened. All of them were found guilty of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

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