'Nobody got separated as a result of me', Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar recounts the narrative of his subsequent marriage - News advertisement

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Tuesday, January 28, 2025


'Nobody got separated as a result of me', Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar recounts the narrative of his subsequent marriage

 January 28, 2025


Pakistan's prestigious writer Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar has focused on entertainer Faisal Qureshi's second union with his ex Rozeena.

Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar as of late showed up as a visitor on writer Irshad Bhatti's webcast, where he talked about his second marriage interestingly.

Irshad Bhatti found out if the tale of the popular show sequential 'Simple Paas Tum Ho' depends on your own life on the grounds that in your reality, it happened that you were making a show in Murree and afterward you got hitched for the second chance to the spouse of the entertainer who worked in a similar show

The writer, while addressing this inquiry, said, "No, these are only individuals' hypotheses. Faisal Qureshi is an excellent companion of mine and an exceptionally extraordinary entertainer. At the point when Faisal came to me to try out for only 5 scenes, he staggered me with his acting, so I demanded his choice."

He said that my second union with Faisal Qureshi's ex is a different story, which I can't perceive in this webcast, yet no separation happened as a result of me. Rather, when this separation was occurring, I had a battle with Faisal Qureshi and I cleared up for him not to demolish his home.

Khalilur Rehman Qamar further expressed that after much influence from me, Faisal Qureshi's mom let me know that with your demand, this separation will be halted for a limit of a half year, yet at the same time it will work out. I was such a rich man that a lady would separate from her most memorable spouse as a result of me.

The dramatist, while discussing the Kalima, said that no separation happened as a result of me.

It ought to be noticed that Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar has been hitched two times, the initial time in 1985 to his cousin Ruby Naz and afterward in 2000 to entertainer Faisal Qureshi's ex Rozeena

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