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Wednesday, December 6, 2023


Hey gamers! Let's solve today's #900 Wordle

 Let's figure out together today's Wordle for December 6 (Wednesday)

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Welcome back, Wordlers! Have you settled the flavor of the day word yet or would you say you are as yet sorting it out? Secure your safety belts as this will be a unique ride since it's likewise Wordle #900.

Wordle hints

Number of vowels:

For the present Wordle, the game designers have added two vowels.

Beginning letter:

The present word starts with a consonant. A letter addresses specific discourse sounds, explicitly sounds that include impeding the air before it leaves the mouth, for example, with the tongue, lips, or throat.

Twofold letters:

Wordle doesn't have twofold letters today

Importance of the word:

The word in the present Wordle is connected with orientation.

How to play Wordle?

On the off chance that you are new to Wordle, don't stress on the grounds that the standards of the game are basic. Gadinsider proposes you should speculated a five-letter word by composing any expression of a similar length.

The game distinguishes which letters in the word are accurately positioned (green), which words are in some unacceptable spot yet at the same time in the word (yellow), and which letters are not in that frame of mind by any means (dark).

This criticism from the game will assist you with centering your speculations and find the secret word.

Be careful! The Wordle answer has been ruined for you underneath.

Wordle reply

The present Wordle Reply for #900 on Wednesday, December 6 is: Lady.

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