HIV/AIDS patients beware! Herbal treatment takes 4 lives in Nigeria - News advertisement

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Saturday, December 2, 2023


HIV/AIDS patients beware! Herbal treatment takes 4 lives in Nigeria

 World AIDS Day is commemorated on December 1, and the theme for this year is “Let communities lead”


The Organization of Individuals Living with HIV and Helps in Nigeria, NEPWHAN, in Gombe State, said on Thursday that four of its individuals had kicked the bucket because of apparently using natural HIV drug.

Muhammad Ibrahim, the affiliation's Program Official, uncovered this in Gombe during an occasion celebrating World Guides Day 2023.

Ibrahim communicated stress over the new flood in the utilization of home grown medication for HIV treatment in the state.

He accentuated the requirement for the public authority and partners controlling the spread of elective HIV treatments.

As indicated by Ibrahim, numerous HIV-positive patients who are frantic for a fix are going to natural medications. He proceeded to say that many individuals have passed on because of taking some unacceptable medication.

"A great deal of our individuals are buying in and utilizing natural medication. It depends on the data being spread by the sellers of conventional medication. These vendors are wherever in Gombe."

"These individuals are transparently publicizing and guaranteeing that they have found the treatment of HIV. Thus, a ton of our kin are purchasing the medication."

"There is no logical evidence that the natural medicines are genuine. So we believe the public authority should investigate this and do the needful."

"Anyone that professes to have found treatment for HIV ought to be recognized and welcomed by the public authority to check his cases. And afterward confirm it before open deals and use," Ibrahim said.

Wellbeing official

Dr Habu Dahiru, Official for Wellbeing, additionally talked, saying there was no logical evidence that plants could recuperate the condition.

Dahiru suggested NEPWHAN individuals and other HIV-positive individuals to try not to use home grown drugs to fix the condition. He proceeded to say that such mixes are unsafe to fundamental organs.

"We have no logical proof that natural meds are working. However, against retroviral drugs are working and when we do the viral burden test, you see it diminishing. It is logical."

"Home grown prescriptions make side impacts, particularly harm to the liver and kidney."

"We have consistently deterred the utilization of a cure that has not been confirmed. To utilize a medication or spice in treating a specific disease it needs to go through different phases of test and certificate before endorsement."

"We have not known about any spice that has been affirmed for HIV treatment," he said.

Likewise, Dahiru expressed that the state has gained critical headway in bringing down the disease trouble.

Besides, he expressed that the state tried and sedated 95% of thought patients. He proceeded to say that 95% of people who were placed taking drugs had viral concealment.

"This is a decent accomplishment for the state," he said. He added that the state would keep up with the accomplishment, support testing and empower the utilization of Workmanship among positive people.

Review that World Guides Day is celebrated on December 1, and the topic during the current year is "Let people group lead".

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