Ozzy surrenders to Sharon Osbourne's request on one condition - News advertisement

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Monday, December 25, 2023


Ozzy surrenders to Sharon Osbourne's request on one condition

Ozzy gives up to Sharon Osbourne's solicitation on one condition

Monday, December 25, 2023

Subsequent to putting off getting back to the UK for an entire year, Ozzy Osbourne is at long last surrendering to Sharon Osbourne's desires at one condition.

At his significant other's solicitation, the 71 year-old vocalist has consented to move back to his nation of origin and manor in Buckinghamshire.
Notwithstanding, Ozzy requested that he would possibly surrender his life in Los Angeles assuming he'll be permitted to bring his pet canines along.

A nearby family companion imparted to the Mirror: "Ozzy ought to have been in the UK last January after Sharon said they would leave the US."
The couple was intended to move back to the UK in December 2021 apparently due to charges. Notwithstanding, the Dark time of rest artist's ailment and the prospect of abandoning his companions dialed back the cycle.

"It has been an entire year of Ozzy managing a blend of issues from requiring more clinical medicines to cherishing his group of friends in LA. He likewise esteems his experience with his grandkids and having girl Kelly invite her most memorable youngster," the insider uncovered.
They further added that Sharon "pushed for the migration" and had a lift included their ranch style home for Ozzy as he battles with back issues.

"In any case, while everything that has worked out, he feels the main consider returning is his canines. He let Sharon know that he was inflexible that the canines should go with them. It was an all out big issue," the insider closed.

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