SSGC seeks 15.38% increase in gas prices for current fiscal year - News advertisement

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Wednesday, December 13, 2023


SSGC seeks 15.38% increase in gas prices for current fiscal year

 Karachi-based gas utility, in its letter to Ogra, urges revision of rate to Rs1,696.39 per MMBtu

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


SSGC looks for climb to balance increasing expenses of gas, different parts.
Appeal incorporates Rs13.45 per MMBtu for LPG air-blend projects.
Ogra welcomes remarks from all intrigued, impacted parties.

ISLAMABAD: The Sui Southern Gas Organization (SSGC) by and by looked for a 15.38% increment in gas costs for the continuous monetary year in a bid to counterbalance the increasing expenses of gas and different parts, The News detailed Wednesday.

In its request recorded with the Oil and Gas Administrative Power (Ogra), SSGC has encouraged the update of the rate from the current Rs1,470.21 per MMBtu to Rs1,696.39 per MMBtu — an increment of Rs226.18 per MMBtu — from July 1 of the ongoing monetary year.

The organization's appeal to Ogra frames an expected income necessity of Rs47.773 billion for FY24.

The typical recommended cost is prevalently made out of the expense of gas, addressing more than 85% of the decided cost.

The Karachi-based gas utility features that the expense of gas is connected to the worldwide cost of unrefined petroleum/fuel oil, according to arrangements between the central government and gas makers. Furthermore, SSGC has determined the expense of RLNG's administration at Rs48.8 per MMBtu for FY2023-24.

Altogether, the organization's appeal incorporates Rs13.45 per MMBtu for the LPG air-blend projects and Rs95.40 per MMBtu to be recuperated from purchasers to neutralize income setbacks from Balochistan region.

At the same time, SSGC has recorded one more appeal for the update of the security store of homegrown (framework gas and RLNG) purchasers. In this request, the organization proposes changing the gas supply store (GSD) in light of the greatest three months of utilization during the year. The recuperation of the gas supply store deficiency from homegrown purchasers will happen north of a half year in equivalent portions.

The request takes note of that right now, just 1.697 million out of 3.186 million homegrown buyers, or 53%, are gotten with their gas supply store. In the mean time, 1.426 million homegrown purchasers are unstable, with a GSD setback of Rs9.579 billion against the necessary GSD of Rs15.019 billion.

Because of these petitions, Ogra has welcomed remarks from all intrigued and impacted parties, including gas shoppers and the overall population. A formal conference on the request is planned on December 18, 2023, in Karachi, during which the administrative power will decide the gas costs.

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