All Party Hurriyat Conference pays homage to Muhammad Afzal Gaur and Muhammad Maqbool Butt on their death anniversary - News advertisement

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Wednesday, February 7, 2024


All Party Hurriyat Conference pays homage to Muhammad Afzal Gaur and Muhammad Maqbool Butt on their death anniversary


Srinagar (Urdu Point News Latest - APP. February 07, 2024) Leaders of All-Party Hurriyat Conference in India's illegal occupied Jammu and Kashmir paid tribute to prominent freedom leaders Muhammad Afzal Gaur and Muhammad Maqbool Butt on their death anniversary. According to Kashmir Media Service, India hanged Mohammad Afzal Gaur on February 9, 2013 and Mohammad Maqbool Butt on February 11, 1984 in the infamous Tihar Jail in New Delhi for their prominent role in the freedom movement. He was buried.

The leaders of All Party Hurriyat Conference, Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopuri, Syed Bashir Andrabi, Khawaja Firdous, Muhammad Yusuf Naqash, Javed Ahmed Mir, Farida Behnji and Abdul Samad Inglegi said in their statements that Muhammad Maqbool Butt, Muhammad Afzal Gaur and other lakhs of Kashmiri martyrs. The sacrifices will never be allowed to go in vain.

He urged India to return the dead bodies of martyred leaders to Kashmiris.

He said that the Kashmiri people will continue their struggle for their right to self-determination until complete success. He said that the disputed Kashmir was the main cause of tension between Pakistan and India. The All-Party Hurriyat Conference leaders urged India to recognize the fact that its illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir was for a long time. Will not be able to maintain.

He appealed to the international community to play a role in resolving the Kashmir conflict in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. Mushtaq Ahmad Butt, Muhammad Sultan Butt, Altaf Ahmad Butt, Zahid Safi and Zahid Ashraf paid tribute to Muhammad Afzal Gaur and Muhammad Maqbool Butt in their statements and said that the Kashmir issue has become the center of attention at the global level due to the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs. has become

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