Apple Vision Pro headset becomes literal 'headache' forcing mass returns - News advertisement

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Saturday, February 17, 2024


Apple Vision Pro headset becomes literal 'headache' forcing mass returns

 "It gets genuinely terrible and could return it hence alone," purchaser says regarding Apple Vision Ace headset

    February 17, 2024

    Buyers who paid $3,500 for the Apple Vision Expert headset are now returning the gadgets since they say they give them headaches, movement disorder, and eye strain.

    Before the creative goggles were made accessible to the overall population on February 2, a greater number of than 200,000 sets were sold during the pre-request time frame, as indicated by the New York Post.

    Notwithstanding, albeit a few enthusiastic allies guarantee that the Vision Ace would totally change the IT area, a few disappointed purchasers have previously restored theirs to the Apple Store.

    A few returned the contraptions since they were encountering unbearable migraines.

    "I returned mine today," one client composed on Reddit on Monday. "Outrageous cerebral pains (first in quite a while). I can't wear [them] over 10 minutes without outrageous uneasiness. Feels like a torment meeting simply attempting to keep it on. I have no clue about how this large number of decorations can play for a really long time. Following 10 minutes I feel like I'm going to have a cardiovascular failure."

    "I tragically am likewise having serious cerebral pains when I wear this for more than 30-45 minutes," one more answered. "This is so exceptionally obliterating as I love all the other things about the AVP. I might want to think with proceeded with use I would become acclimated to this yet it is excessively costly to require that bet past the 14-day bring period back. I'm returning mine today."

    Some, notwithstanding, asserted that the Apple Vision Ace's eye strain was terrible.

    "They are horrendous," one Redditor railed. "I involved them for like 6 hours. I was even dependent on them and presently I would rather not touch them at all due to my eye exhaustion. Feel like total s-t."

    "It gets genuinely terrible and could return it hence alone," a second answered.

    Another client, nonetheless, affirmed that the gadget caused movement queasiness in them and exhorted anybody powerless to such condition to avoid the Vision Expert.

    "I attempted my companion's Vision Ace and it made me pretty sick," they composed. "I have moderate-extreme movement disorder and involved my companion's headset for under 5 minutes prior to feeling wiped out. In a real sense just attempted to look for a YouTube video and began feeling squeamish. I wouldn't suggest anybody with serious movement disorder attempt these. It's potential they get better after some time however I'm certainly not putting one of these on once more!"

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