Dana White opens up on Conor McGregor's UFC rebound - News advertisement

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Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Dana White opens up on Conor McGregor's UFC rebound

 "He [Conor McGregor] is returning from one of nastiest wounds you can return from," UFC supervisor says

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Extreme Battling Title (UFC) manager Dana White has at long last opened up on Conor McGregor's postpone over his anxiously expected return to the octagon.

In a new discussion with Kevin Iole on his YouTube channel, the UFC manager expressed: "he, first of all, is returning from quite possibly of the nastiest injury you can return from. How long was Anderson Silva out for when he right? How long was Chris Weidman out when he did it?"

His comments come as McGregor, whose return has for some time been expected by fans, hasn't highlighted in a UFC battle subsequent to experiencing a frightening leg injury during his battle against Dustin Poirier at UFC 264 in July 2021.

It seemed, by all accounts, to be the ideal event for his return, denoting the noteworthy 300th UFC Pay Per View (PPV) occasion. Nonetheless, reliable with McGregor's rebound account, it appears to be this fantasy will not emerge.

White has drawn matches with past episodes, refering to Weidman's physical issue at UFC 261 where his leg snapped after a shin leaving him incapable to contend and just get back in the saddle following more than two years.

The UFC manager likewise referred to Anderson Silva's case, where Silva broke his leg during a battle against Weidman and his return assumed control north of a year.

By featuring these models, White meant to underline the earnestness of McGregor's wounds. Also, he referenced how the Irishman's modified way of life has added intricacy to talks with the warrior.

"[Conor] McGregor needn't bother with the cash. In this way, when you needn't bother with the cash, it's not as simple. Khabib needn't bother with the cash, Khabib resigned. McGregor has a film emerging, he has organizations he's structure, it's something else entirely while you're managing a person who has this sort of cash," he said.

It is relevant to realize that external the octagon, McGregor is set to highlight in "Roadhouse," a 2024 reimagination of the 1989 work of art, featuring close by Jake Gyllenhaal.

McGregor likewise deals with a few bars and eateries in the Dublin region, notwithstanding his responsibility for profoundly fruitful cocktail brand.

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