Dua Lipa 'dazzles' Jimmy Kimmel with songwriting create - News advertisement

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Friday, February 9, 2024


Dua Lipa 'dazzles' Jimmy Kimmel with songwriting create

 'It has each and every melody I've composed for this collection. ...I composed 97 melodies,' Dua said

February 09, 2024


Dua Lipa astounded Jimmy Kimmel with her songwriting create during an appearance on Thursday on Jimmy Kimmel Live on ABC.

The pop star, matured 28, seemed staggering in an elegant long dark dress as she advanced her forthcoming tune, Preparing Season, set to be delivered one week from now.

She exhibited the track at the new Grammy Grants.

During her appearance on the syndicated program, Jimmy matured 56, asked about Dua's songwriting approach after she revealed a few verses from Preparing Season.

'At the point when you compose these tunes, you record them in a book?,' Jimmy inquired.

'Definitely. All things considered, it was my most memorable time getting it done. I began composing for this collection in 2021, and I simply needed to record my thoughts on paper. So I went down to CVS, and I just purchased an arbitrary note pad.'

'Had I have known how vital that book would have been, perhaps I would have gotten a more extravagant one,' Dua said referring to the huge drug store and general product chain.'

All jimmy then, at that point, showed the genuine book that contains Dua's contemplations and verses for the collection.

'It has each and every tune I've composed for this collection. ...I composed 97 melodies,' Dua said.

Jimmy said it was 'pretty great' that Dua utilized a 'exceptionally outdated' method as opposed to murmuring tunes into her telephone or simply composing the verses.

'Better believe it, I cherished when I began, then, at that point, I was unable to stop. I feel extremely fortunate to have it,' Dua said.

Dua declined to share either the delivery date or the name of her forthcoming collection.

Preparing Season will be delivered on Thursday by Warner Records as the second single in front of Dua's next collection.

Dua recently delivered the collection's lead single Houdini in November.

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