Kashmir Solidarity Day was celebrated in Pakistani diplomatic missions around the world to express solidarity with the Kashmiri people - News advertisement

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Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Kashmir Solidarity Day was celebrated in Pakistani diplomatic missions around the world to express solidarity with the Kashmiri people


Islamabad (Urdu Point News Latest - APP. 06 February 2024) Pakistan's diplomatic missions around the world celebrated Kashmir Solidarity Day to support the struggle for self-determination of the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir. According to Kashmir Media Service, Friends in Dallas, USA. Organized by Of Kashmir, a seminar was organized to show solidarity with Kashmiri people in which Kashmiri immigrants, local dignitaries and Sikh community participated.

Consul General Aamir Ahmad Atuzai, Dr. Asif Rehman, Karen J. Fisher, Dr. Seema Kritnia, Zameer Ahmed, Taj Khan, Sardar Sowar and Sagheer Khan gave speeches. The Consul General said that Pakistan is determined to achieve the right of self-determination for the Kashmiri brothers as per the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

The Pakistani Embassy in China also organized a ceremony on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day to highlight the country's unwavering commitment to the Kashmir cause including the right of self-determination of the Kashmiri people. Also organized a panel discussion on non-compliance with United Nations Charter and international laws.

The panelists emphasized the importance of multilateralism for conflict resolution and prevention, in which the United Nations plays a central role. The event was attended by diplomats, scholars, academics and media. Pakistan Embassy in Abu Dhabi organized an event on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day. A large number of Pakistani and Kashmiri community residing in UAE participated in this event.

In his address, Ambassador Faisal Niaz Tirmizi paid tribute to the brave people of Occupied Kashmir and appreciated their efforts for more than seven decades to achieve the right of self-determination. He condemned India's unilateral and illegal actions in Occupied Kashmir. Hoye said that India's atrocities cannot stop the Kashmiri people from demanding their fundamental rights as per the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

Representatives of the Kashmiri community also expressed their views on the occasion and expressed their feelings on the situation in Occupied Kashmir, expressed concern over Indian atrocities against innocent citizens and reiterated their determination to continue their struggle for the right to self-determination. What did A documentary film was also screened at the event. Meanwhile, a ceremony was also organized at the Pakistani embassy in Cambodia's Phnom Penh on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day and to express solidarity with the struggle of the Kashmiri people for their right to self-determination.

The Embassy of Pakistan in Hanoi, Vietnam organized a seminar to celebrate the Kashmir Solidarity Day and express Pakistan's unwavering support for the just struggle of the Kashmiri people for their inalienable right to self-determination. The Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka, Bangladesh also organized an event to celebrate Kashmir Solidarity Day. The event was attended by members of the Pakistani diaspora, civil society and local media.

High Commissioner Syed Ahmed Maruf read out the statements of the Pakistani leadership and reiterated Pakistan's unwavering moral, diplomatic and political support to the people of Occupied Kashmir. He said that Pakistan will continue to raise its voice for the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir at every forum. A seminar and photo exhibition was organized on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day at the Pakistani High Commission in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

As part of the photo exhibition, photographs depicting the human rights violations committed by the Indian occupation forces in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir were also displayed. During the seminar, digital videos related to violence in Occupied Kashmir were also shown. Kashmir Solidarity Day was organized at the Consulate General of Pakistan in Australia in Melbourne which was addressed by Consul General, Chairman Kashmir Council Europe Syed Ali Raza and well known writer Ms. Laura Shoremans.

The event also included poems, speeches and tableaus by students. The participants expressed their solidarity with the Kashmiri people and urged the international community to resolve the Kashmir dispute as per the UN resolutions. Pakistan High Commission in New Zealand organized an event to celebrate Kashmir Solidarity Day in which Pakistanis from different walks of life participated.

Pakistan Embassy in Azerbaijan also organized an event to celebrate Kashmir Solidarity Day. People from different walks of life participated along with embassy officials to celebrate the day. Azerbaijan has always supported the cause of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir at the international level. Similarly, the Pakistani Embassy in Spain also organized a ceremony in this regard in Valencia.

Ambassador Shujaat Rathore reiterated Pakistan's unwavering support for the just struggle of the Kashmiri brothers. The ceremony was attended by a large number of Pakistanis, Kashmiris and Spanish citizens. In a ceremony held at the Pakistani Embassy in Tehran, the ambassador highlighted the barbaric atrocities of the Indian occupation forces in Kashmir and reiterated the need to implement the UN resolutions. What did

Pakistan Embassy in Nepal's capital Kathmandu organized a discussion program on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day. Ambassador Abrar H. Hashim emphasized the role and response of the international community in the context of several UN Security Council resolutions promising the people of Jammu and Kashmir their right to self-determination. Pakistan Embassy in Tokyo, Japan also celebrated Kashmir Solidarity Day in which members of Pakistani community, Kashmiris as well as Japanese media persons also participated. Syed Faiz Naqshbandi, convenor of All-Party Hurriyat Conference, participated in the event virtually.

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