Saudi Arabia has signed an agreement to purchase air defense systems from South Korea - News advertisement

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Wednesday, February 7, 2024


Saudi Arabia has signed an agreement to purchase air defense systems from South Korea

 February 07, 2024


Saudi Arabia has agreed to buy air defense systems from South Korea. Under the agreement, Saudi Arabia will buy 10 batteries worth 3 billion dollars from South Korea.

According to Arab media, on the sidelines of the ongoing World Defense Show in the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in the presence of the Saudi Defense Minister and his South Korean counterpart, the defense acquisition program agreement (Dappa) was signed between the two countries. were done.

On the occasion of the signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding, the South Korean Defense Minister said that our defense firm LI Nex One will provide Saudi Arabia with a mid-range air defense system.

On this occasion, DAPA Director Eon Dong Hwan said that it is hoped that this memorandum will play a key role in the future strategic partnership between the two countries and will help to further increase cooperation in the field of defense. .

It should be noted that South Korea is striving to become the world's fourth largest defense exporter by 2027. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Center, South Korea, which ranked 31st in 2000, will increase its defense imports to $17 billion in 2022 and $7.25 billion in the same year. It has reached the ninth position in the ranking of defense exporters

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