The negative effects of imposing a war on Gaza began to affect Israel's economy - News advertisement

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Sunday, February 11, 2024


The negative effects of imposing a war on Gaza began to affect Israel's economy

 February 11, 2024


The impact of the war in Gaza began to affect Israel's economy.

According to the Arab media, Israel has descended on the genocide of innocent Palestinians in Gaza, which is causing a heavy loss to Israel's economy.

Credit rating agency Moody's downgraded Israel's credit rating and downgraded Israel's local and foreign currency credit rating from A-1 to A-2.

According to Moody's, Israel's credit rating outlook has been downgraded to negative, with Moody's also saying that the war situation has increased the risk of weakening Israel's financial strength.

On the other hand, 3 people including the leader of Hezbollah were killed in the Israeli air strike, in response to which Hezbollah also launched missile attacks on 2 military bases in Israel.

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