Todd, Julie Chrisley 'glad for' Savannah for uncovering 'harsh' jail conditions - News advertisement

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Saturday, February 10, 2024


Todd, Julie Chrisley 'glad for' Savannah for uncovering 'harsh' jail conditions

 Todd and Julie Chrisley have been grumbling of cruel jail conditions for quite a long time

Saturday, February 10, 2024


Todd and Julie Chrisley, who've been behind the bars since January of 2023, are "pleased" of little girl Savannah Chrisley for persistently battling to uncover the jail conditions.

Savannah has been vocal about supposed coldhearted circumstances at the detainment facilities where her folks are carrying out their joined punishment of 19 years for their $30 million duty extortion plot.

The Chrisley Knows Best couple's lawyer, Jay Surgent says they're content with their "committed girl" Savannah for "doing everything possible to ensure the issues inside jail get uncovered in the media," per RadarOnline.

Back in September, Savannah revolted against the abuse her folks were purportedly getting, saying, "Individuals are living in uncaring circumstances, individuals are passing on in these detainment facilities, and they hide it where no one will think to look."

"Individuals who are running the jails are the bad ones so they ought to be in there themselves."

Making sense of the "coldhearted" conditions, she expressed, "Being in conditions where it's 100 degrees inside and having no cooling, and the jails latching the ice machines just to fight back against the detainees."

In her latest case, she said her dad could get moved to Alabama for constantly opposing the jail staff. Be that as it may, per RadarOnline, no such data has arrived at the Chrisley Knows Best stars' lawyers.

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