Travis Kelce concedes paying attention to Taylor Quick's 'The Tormented Artists Office' in advance - News advertisement

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Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Travis Kelce concedes paying attention to Taylor Quick's 'The Tormented Artists Office' in advance

 According to travis Kelce, "I have heard some of it, yes. What's more, it is mind blowing," about Taylor Quick's "The Turtured Artists Division"

Tuesday, February 06, 2024


Travis Kelce is more than pleased with Taylor Quick as the 34-year-old tight end for the Kansas City Bosses was radiating as he discussed the worldwide music star's new collection called The Tormented Artists Office.

As well as examining the looming major game with media at Allegiant Arena in Las Vegas, Kelce likewise answered a couple of requests about Quick, as per Individuals.

Kelce recognized that he accepts Quick's impending eleventh studio collection, The Tormented Writers Division, will change the game whenever found out if he got an opportunity to pay attention to it.

"I have heard some of it, yes. Also, it is inconceivable," Kelce told correspondents. "I can hardly sit tight for her to stir up the world when it at last drops."

After being interrogated concerning her drive, Kelce motioned that the subtleties were classified. He said, "I can't give you anything... I'll let her handle that."

The artist of Horrible Summer shocked fans on Sunday night at the Field in Los Angeles by uncovering the new collection during the 2024 Grammy Grants.

Quick lauded her allies throughout the long term and said she needed to give back by giving them a one of a kind gift during her acknowledgment discourse for the best pop vocal collection for Midnights.

However, individuals from her dedicated fan base had previously started to expect a significant declaration was impending. They had the right course.

"I need to say thank you to the individuals from the Recording Foundation for casting a ballot along these lines. However, I realize that the way that the Recording Foundation casted a ballot is an immediate impression of the energy of the fans," Quick said in her acknowledgment discourse.

"So I need to say thank you to the fans by letting you know a mysterious that I've been keeping from you throughout the previous two years, which is that my spic and span collection emerges on April 19."

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