UAE tops the demand for work visas worldwide - News advertisement

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Saturday, February 3, 2024


UAE tops the demand for work visas worldwide

   Financial services, information technology, computer software, management consulting, marketing and advertising sectors are attracting global talent to the UAE.


Abu Dhabi (Urdu Point Newspaper Latest. 03 February 2024) The demand for UAE work visa has increased worldwide. According to the Gulf newspaper Emirates Al-Youm, the global human resources management company 'Dell' has stated in the results of its annual global employment report that the United Arab Emirates is on top of the priority destinations for global talent in search of work visas, followed by Numbered by the Netherlands, France, the UK and Singapore, this is a significant achievement for the UAE in consolidating its position as a leading global business hub and a major source of professional cadres and talent from around the world. There is attraction.

Dell said in a statement that the report is based on an analysis of data covering 300,000 employment contracts and 20,000 clients in 160 countries, with increasing employment from companies operating in the UAE. Reflecting the trends, the report highlighted the most prominent sectors driving this growth in employment, with financial services, information technology, computer software, management consulting, marketing and advertising being the most prominent. which attract global talent to the UAE while the survey report also mentions the most in-demand jobs in the UAE including management consultants, managers, software engineers, marketing managers and strategic planning managers. Included.

Tariq Salam, Dell's chief administrative officer, said the results of the company's latest global jobs report are evidence of a significant shift in the UAE's view as a major global hub for business. All this is due to the country's strong commitment to supporting change, talent and innovation, as well as a dynamic work environment that helps attract talent from around the world. and enhancing the UAE's position as a leading recruitment destination.

He added that "a diverse and multicultural workforce is one of the most important strengths that distinguish the UAE's labor market, attracting and retaining international talent is essential to the UAE's continued economic growth." helps to achieve and strengthen its position in the global market”.

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