Pakistan, Canada consent to additionally extend participation in assorted fields - News advertisement

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Saturday, April 27, 2024


Pakistan, Canada consent to additionally extend participation in assorted fields

 April 27, 2024


OTTAWA: Communicating fulfillment at the general advancement in reciprocal relations, Pakistan and Canada have consented to additional upgrade collaboration in all fields of shared interest.

The improvement came during the fifth Round of Pakistan-Canada Two-sided Political Meetings held in Ottawa on April 26, 2024.

"The different sides examined common joint effort at worldwide fora, including the UN, and consented to additionally extend collaboration," read an explanation gave by the High Magistrate for Pakistan in Ottawa.

The Pakistan side was driven by Diplomat Mariam Aftab, Extra Unfamiliar Secretary (Americas), while the Canadian designation was going by Aide Appointee Pastor (Indo-Pacific) Weldon Epp, Worldwide Undertakings Canada.

The different sides explored the whole range of two-sided relations and distinguished open doors and opportunities for additional participation, particularly in the circles of exchange, speculation, training, parliamentary trades, counter psychological oppression and individuals to-individuals contacts, the assertion added.

The Pakistani diplomat welcomed Canadian organizations to put resources into energy, mining and IT areas in his country.

The Canadian side was advised about ongoing improvements in the South Asian district, particularly Afghanistan, Pakistan-India relations and common liberties infringement in the Indian Wrongfully Involved Jammu and Kashmir.

It is relevant to make reference to here that the sixth round of Respective Political Counsels will be held in Islamabad at commonly helpful dates.

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