Arrest of illegal pilgrims started in Saudi Arabia - News advertisement

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Friday, May 31, 2024


Arrest of illegal pilgrims started in Saudi Arabia

 Saudi police arrested pilgrims from Miqat, report

Friday, May 31, 2024

Makkah Mukarramah (Urdu Point Latest News - NNI. May 31, 2024) Before Hajj, where Muslims around the world go to Makkah to perform this important duty, breaking the rules during this important duty is also a problem. According to media reports, something similar has been done by Saudi Arabia even before Hajj 2024, which has attracted the attention of Muslims around the world.

24 pilgrims have been arrested by the Saudi authorities, while all 22 pilgrims have been kept in custody. According to foreign media, the pilgrims were in Miqat at the Dhul-Hilafa Mosque, 9 kilometers from Medina. Meanwhile, the pilgrims have been arrested by the Saudi authorities. According to the Saudi authorities, the pilgrims failed to show the Hajj visa documents to the authorities, due to which they have been arrested, while there is an indication of action for violating the visa policy. is also being given.

On the other hand, it has been confirmed by the Indonesian media that all the pilgrims taken into custody are from Indonesia. It has been confirmed by Aziz Hagemore, head of Bir Ali sector of the Indonesian organization Prospective Indonesian Pilgrims, that 22 Indonesian pilgrims have been detained.

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Infectious diseases are spreading rapidly in Gaza, UNRWA

Friday, May 31, 2024

Gaza (Urdu Point Newspaper Latest - APP. May 31, 2024) The United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) warned that infectious diseases are spreading rapidly in Gaza and the war-torn region. Medicines are not available for millions of residents.

In a message released by UNRWA on the social media website X, it is said that these Palestinians, who have been displaced many times, are forced to live in such narrow and small shelters where there are no sanitary facilities. equals

According to UNRWA officials, because of the large number of people living together in very small shelters, infectious diseases are spreading rapidly and vaccines and medicines are not available for them. UNRWA officials say we need safe and unrestricted access to Palestinians affected by the pandemic. According to the authorities, the UNRWA distribution center in Rafah has become inaccessible to the affected people.

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