AfD is now looking for new alliances in the European Parliament - News advertisement

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Monday, June 17, 2024


AfD is now looking for new alliances in the European Parliament

 Monday 17 June 2024


Islamabad (Urdu Point. DW Urdu. June 17, 2024) In the European Parliament, the identity and democracy (ID) group of far-right parties in the European Parliament has rejected Germany's far-right party Alternative for Deutschland (AfD). The decision not to re-enlist remains on hold for now.

The ID expelled the AfD, or Alternative for Germany, from its coalition shortly before the June 6-9 European Parliament elections due to the involvement of one of its leading candidates, Maximilian Krah, in various scandals. was

Krah belongs to the AfD. However, AfD has now expelled the controversial politician Maximilian Krah from its European parliamentary party, but despite this, the parliamentary faction called ID has not changed its decision.

An AfD spokesman confirmed a report by the journal Politico that France's National Rally party had decided not to reunite with the AfD during a meeting in Brussels with representatives of other parties involved in the IDF. Maintained.

After last week's elections, AfD's newly elected members of the European Parliament decided by a majority last Monday that they would not reinstate Karah in their party. The move to expel the AfD from the parliamentary bloc was seen as part of the German party's efforts to reunite with other far-right parties in the ID bloc in the European Parliament.

Maximilian Krah, on the other hand, called the AfD's decision to withdraw from its European parliamentary bloc a mistake and predicted that it would not change the ID's mind. Karah said that IDF's refusal to re-accept the AfD was "not surprising".

Karah has been embroiled in several scandals, including allegations of taking funds from Russia and China.

A former top aide to Karah was also arrested separately on charges of spying for China. Kara also made some very controversial statements in an interview with an Italian newspaper. In one of these remarks, he said that not all members of the SS paramilitary forces of the notorious Nazi army were criminals.

AfD co-leader Alice Wedel said in a statement that her party was still considering what options there were for an alternative coalition in the EU legislature. He said he was "pretty confident" that another arrangement could be made.

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