Britain received 5.3 million pounds for the rejected visas of Pakistanis - News advertisement

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Britain received 5.3 million pounds for the rejected visas of Pakistanis

 40% of British visa applications from Pakistan rejected in 2023, report

Wednesday June 12, 2024

London (Urdu Point Latest News - NNI. June 12, 2024) Whether the visa is granted or rejected, the UK benefits from millions of pounds. According to a media report, in 2023, Britain received 5.3 million pounds in the form of rejected visas of Pakistanis. According to a media report, 40 percent of British visa applications from Pakistan were rejected in 2023.

According to a media report, in 2023, the Schengen countries also rejected 50 percent of the visa applications of Pakistanis.

The rejection rate for British and Schengen visas for Pakistanis is 40%. Adult visa fees for European countries will increase further from today. According to media reports, the British visa fee will be increased to 120 pounds and the Schengen visa fee will be 90 euros. Most applicants also pay an additional amount for the basic application to the private agency.

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GC University Faisalabad, Training Workshop on Effective Use of Artificial Intelligence and Robots

Wednesday June 12, 2024

Makoana (Urdu Point Newspaper Latest - NNI. June 12, 2024) The training workshop was supported by National University of Science and Technology, British Council, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Directorate of Training and Development. Artificial intelligence and robot technology are the new future. It is a revolution, gradually machines will perform most of the human tasks in a very pleasant, fast and better way. Even today, the role of artificial intelligence in economic activities is continuously increasing.

These views were expressed by Vice Chancellor Dr. Nasir Amin in his address to the participants of the training workshop. The focal person of the workshop was Professor Dr. Sophia Anwar, Dr. Shadan, Dr. Uzmi Ahsan, Dr. Farkhanda Afzal, Dr. Chow Sia from the UK provided training to the participants. .

Addressing the workshop, Dr. Sophia Anwar said that humanoid robots are considered to be the latest form of artificial intelligence.

Humanoid robots are helping mankind with various capabilities. They are being widely used in the field of health, education, entertainment. In the healthcare sector, humanoid robots are being designed and used in healthcare centers to provide medical services to patients. The workshop also demonstrated how the robot could be used in practice. The speakers further told the students that the small humanoid robot is being used as a research and educational tool in universities internationally. Artificial intelligence will act as an engine for productivity growth and economic growth.

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