I support the complete elimination of Hamas, but Israel alone cannot completely eliminate it. General Frank McKenzie - News advertisement

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024


I support the complete elimination of Hamas, but Israel alone cannot completely eliminate it. General Frank McKenzie

 It is not possible to win the war against Hamas in Gaza. It is not a war inside Gaza, but a vision is needed. Interview with the former head of the American Central Command "CENT COM" in Afghanistan.

Wednesday June 12, 2024


Washington (Urdu Point Newspaper Latest - International Press Agency. June 12, 2024) General Frank McKenzie, the former head of the American Central Command "CENT COM" in Afghanistan. Can not completely eliminate. In an interview with the American Broadcasting Corporation, in addition to the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, the conflict in Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war were also discussed. "The war against Hamas in Gaza can be won," Mackenzie said. Said that I think that the Arab armies will be the best because of belonging to different nations.

He emphasized that this would require a focus on investment, infrastructure construction and rehabilitation, and humanitarian aid work, but you must ensure that Hamas is not part of it. Much of Gaza has been reduced to ruins by the Israeli army's ground and air strikes, the retired American general said. Can not do it.

Hamas is a revolutionary movement.

If 99 of its fighters are killed, the 100th will stand up and declare revolution. This issue needs to be dealt with in a different way. The former general has said that Israel has eliminated many of Hamas' combat formations. However, there are still some, I think, who have been a little less successful in getting the senior leadership of Hamas because they have chosen to hide even when their fighters are fighting. General Frank McKenzie said that Hamas has protected itself with underground hostages and undoubtedly the real hostage in this case is the population of Gaza, which Hamas has no interest in taking out of the "line of fire".

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The first female Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo took the oath of office

Wednesday June 12, 2024

Kinshasa (Urdu Point News Latest - APP. June 12, 2024) The first female Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo, Judith Saminwa Toluka, took the oath of office. According to Xinhua, Judith Saminwa Toloka and 54 other new government members were officially sworn in on Wednesday. On this occasion, Judith Saminwa Toloka said that she is proud to be elected as the Prime Minister.

She said that assuming this position, she is fully aware of the historic moment and the importance of this appointment for the Congolese people. She feels the burden of responsibility and is proud of the idea of ​​representing the country. He promised to lay the foundation for an emerging Republic of the Congo by creating about 2.6 million jobs, an academy for mathematics and artificial intelligence, and measures for national security, economic diversification, infrastructure connectivity, public services and tackling climate change. Arranged.

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