In Europe, the tobacco, alcohol, fossil fuel and ultra-processed food industries are responsible for 2.7 million human deaths annually, according to the World Health Organization. - News advertisement

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024


In Europe, the tobacco, alcohol, fossil fuel and ultra-processed food industries are responsible for 2.7 million human deaths annually, according to the World Health Organization.

 Wednesday June 12, 2024

United Nations (Urdu Point News Latest - APP. June 12, 2024) The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) blamed the ultra-processed food industries, including tobacco, alcohol and fossil fuels, for 2.7 million human deaths annually in Europe. Is. According to Urdu News, Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Europe, Hans Klug, has said in a statement that these four industries are the cause of 7,000 deaths every day in our region.

The WHO Europe region includes 53 countries including Central Asia. A recent report released by the WH said that these industries have evolved into small multinationals, which are now able to exert influence at the political and legal levels, and all these public interest rules and regulations. They have the power to block regulations that could affect their profits.

According to the report, industries use tactics to exploit people through marketing strategies, mislead consumers by providing false information and make false claims about the benefits of their products. These tactics are jeopardizing the public health gains made over the past century and preventing countries from reaching their health goals.

According to the WHO, lobbying by industries is hindering efforts to combat diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Almost 60% of young people and one in three children in Europe are overweight. Figures from 2017 show that one in five deaths from heart disease and cancer in Europe is due to unhealthy eating habits. WHO has urged countries to impose stricter regulations on the marketing of unhealthy products.

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Recovering physically and mentally after the attack, the Prime Minister of Denmark

Wednesday June 12, 2024

Copenhagen (Urdu Point Newspaper Latest - APP. June 12, 2024) Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has said that she is now recovering after the physical and mental trauma caused by the attack last week. He has also informed about the aggression at the public level. According to Al-Arabiya Urdu, Mattei Frederiksen said in an interview that she is still not feeling well, she looks after her affairs as the prime minister and will always look after herself, she was able to do it over the weekend but not in the way she usually does. Happens in situations.

He said that he has seen a change in public attitude in recent years, all of us belonging to political parties see that the attitude is changing very fast. He said that there have been threats for a long time, social media. But in a very harsh tone which has worsened, people are showing a very aggressive attitude. We are proud of a country where the Prime Minister goes to work by bicycle, but now the situation has changed,” he said. It is happening, the road scene has changed and some of us politicians cannot go to some places.

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