In order to be self-sufficient in the production of edible oil, oily crops have to be cultivated, said the spokesman of the Punjab Agriculture Department - News advertisement

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024


In order to be self-sufficient in the production of edible oil, oily crops have to be cultivated, said the spokesman of the Punjab Agriculture Department

 Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Lahore (Urdu Point Latest News - APP. June 11, 2024) The spokesman of the Punjab Agriculture Department has said that self-sufficiency in the production of edible oil for the growing population in the country is the need of the hour and in this regard we need to cultivate oily crops. will be Agricultural experts have said that despite being an agricultural country, a lot of foreign exchange has to be spent on importing edible oil every year.

He said that sesame is an important short-duration oilseed crop cultivated in Punjab for centuries to meet the shortage of edible oil. Sesame seeds contain more than 50% high quality edible oil. Sesame cultivation costs are low and the income per unit area and time is high due to which this crop is now considered as a cash crop. is doing

Like other crops, the Punjab government is giving full attention to the cultivation of sesame seeds so that we can be self-sufficient in the production of edible oil. Agricultural experts said that at this time sesame cultivation in the areas of Punjab is almost complete. After cultivation, the second important step is irrigation. Sesame crop is matured after about 3 to 4 waterings. Apply the first watering after 25 to 30 days after the growth is complete, the second watering at the time of flowering, the third watering when the pods are forming and the fourth watering when the seeds are forming, because the growth of this crop is important. Time is in rainy season so change the irrigation schedule in case of rain.

In case of heavy rains, keep removing excess water from the crop. Due to standing water, the plants start dying, so proper drainage system is essential in sesame crop. He said that the use of balanced fertilizers is very important for high production of sesame seeds. Farmers who have grown sesame type TH6 single branch should apply one bag of urea fertilizer divided into three parts i.e. 15 to 16 kg of urea with each watering and farmers who have grown branched type TS5 should apply one bag of urea. Divide it into 2 parts.

Weed control during the first 8 weeks is very important for good crop production. Farmers should spray herbicides recommended by the local agronomists of the Department of Agriculture for weed control. Diseases include root and stem borer and mole borer. Attack of root and stem stem disease can occur till the end of August in which the root and stem initially turn brown and later turn black while the bulbs wilt.

Mole disease can attack the crop at any time. Root rot disease causes the leaves to turn yellow and the entire plant withers and dries up. For the treatment of these diseases, the seeds should be cultivated by applying 2 grams of thiophenate methyl, a disinfectant, per kilogram of the seeds before planting. The prevention of harmful insects and pests that attack the sesame crop is very important.

Sesame capsule borer and leafhopper are harmful insects attacking sesame crop. The initial stage is white in color but later turns green with small black spots. The wings are orange-brown in color. This insect attacks the tender shoots soon after the crop has grown and joins the tender leaves. In case of heavy infestation, the leaves become dry, which stops the growth of the crop. Later, the larvae of this insect attack the seed pods and when the seed pods are formed, the small spiders enter it and carry the seeds inside the pods. They are eaten and also damage the flowers.

For chemical control of these pests, spray Cypermethrin 10 EC at 250 ml or Lambda Cyhalothurn 2.5 EC at 330 ml per acre. The volatile oil is also highly mobile on the sesame crop and moves rapidly from one place to another when even a little is touched. Its color is greenish. This worm is active throughout the year. Both children and adults not only harm the plant by sucking the sap, but also inject toxins into the plant.

Infected leaves turn yellow and red in color and also the affected leaves turn downwards and dry up and fall, which reduces yield. Mix 1 liter per acre in 100 to 120 liters of water and spray. Both whitefly adults and juveniles suck the sap from the leaves and are found on the lower surface of the leaves.

The white bee has 12 generations in a year. Sesame crop whitefly attack is more in dry season. For chemical control of whitefly, spray Acetamprid 20 SP at the rate of 150 grams or Amida Cloprid 200 SL at the rate of 200 ml per acre. Agricultural experts said that the profitable cultivation of sesame seeds will not only make the farmers prosperous, but also save a lot of foreign exchange by reducing the cost of importing edible oil.

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