India has created an atmosphere of fear and terror in the occupied territory - News advertisement

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Sunday, June 2, 2024


India has created an atmosphere of fear and terror in the occupied territory

 In just three years and six months, 875 Kashmiris were martyred, 2400 were injured and 24 thousand were arrested, the Indian government has conspired to sabotage the peace of the world.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Muzaffarabad (Urdu Point News Latest - NNI. 02 June 2024) In just three years and six months, 875 Kashmiris were martyred, 2400 were injured and 24 thousand were arrested, the Indian government has conspired to sabotage the peace of the world. In order to keep Kashmiris away from the freedom movement in India, an atmosphere of fear and terror has been established in the occupied territory. One million soldiers have been deployed for this purpose.

Due to the illegal Indian occupation, Kashmiris are suffering from severe problems. Without the right to self-determination, it is impossible to establish lasting peace and security in the region. The international community should take immediate notice of the killings and atrocities committed in violation of human rights. These views were expressed by former candidate Assembly Valley 04 Syed Ismail Hussain Shah while talking to the media yesterday.

Syed Ismail Hussain Shah said that the state is determined to put highly educated, literate and skilled youth on their feet.

Every year thousands of youth leave the country is a cause of concern. In order to save the youth from the monster of unemployment, they are trying to spend the money of the state in the state by providing opportunities to the youth of the state in the state projects. are Syed Ismail Hussain Shah said that the land of the state owes us a debt, and to pay this debt, he is investing his lifetime savings in state construction and development works.

He said that the politicians in the name of Kashmir are making such general conversation day by day which makes the state's head bow down in shame. Exploiting people's vote does not suit such people. He has demanded the institutions and the government of Azad Kashmir to take notice of the words of the government minister who took the votes from the refugees of Valley 04 and called the refugees as non-migrants. The record should be made public.

Lies and truth should be detected. It is now the responsibility of the refugees to stop those who spread slander in the name of refugees. Syed Ismail Hussain Shah said that our past is like an open book in front of everyone, we don't need to prove that we are emigrants or anyone else. We love the state. The state has a dream of raising talented, highly educated and trained youth, which they are spending their days and nights to realize.

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