Minorities are also citizens of Pakistan - News advertisement

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Saturday, June 15, 2024


Minorities are also citizens of Pakistan


From private churches to Isaac TV channel, observation at any level shows that the Christian community is in no way behind in loving Pakistan to any Muslim Pakistani citizen. It is obligatory to pray for the security of the people of Pakistan and the country in every ceremony. The Christian community respects the Islamic principles in the same way that a true Muslim believes never to be a part of religious differences.

He has to take every step cautiously due to his daily activities and the feeling of his minorities, but the elders also advise his children to stay away from religious differences. It is my personal observation that if people of other religions desire to know the Christian religion as knowledge, then the Christian community will gladly open not only the doors of their hearts for that person, but also the doors of the church for them.

Jesus said, "Whoever curses you, pray for him who insults you, whoever slaps you on one cheek, turn the other to him, and whoever Take your robe and do not forbid him from doing it" But despite this, I don't know why we don't delay in putting religious accusations on minorities in our personal quarrels, and don't hesitate to put them to death. No less than, nor can the demand for change in Pakistani laws related to Islamic clauses be accepted, but the question is whether such a tragic incident has happened or not.

It is necessary to give severe punishment even to a minority who harms a minority just by hearing fabricated stories without thinking. Because minorities are not only citizens of our country, but in Islam, their rights have also been emphasized, so in this background, words do not go well with the burning of a Christian couple working at a kiln in Kot Radhakshan.

A pang of grief spreads uneasiness in the whole body as how their parents were burnt alive in front of the eyes of their innocent children. How are these insensitive and unscrupulous people of the society who do not even understand that using religion to take revenge for their personal quarrels in this way is tantamount to defaming their own religion apart from causing chaos in the entire society. He does not even allow his dead to be burnt, so how can the sight of fire make living people sad?

Of course, a person who commits such brutality cannot claim to be a Muslim. I wish I would have known before committing this act, what are the rights of minority citizens in an Islamic state. There is a hadith that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Whoever wrongs a non-Muslim citizen, then Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself will fight a case against such a person and in favor of the oppressed non-Muslim citizen on the Day of Judgment."

As if treating non-Muslims in an un-Islamic way can be a loss in the hereafter. In spite of such a clear order, we do not know again and again why in our personal quarrels, we start interpreting the killing of minorities as a service to religion by making religious accusations. The decision should be punished so that no person will have the courage to misuse religion in the future.

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