Muzaffarabad, before the budget, hoarders, wholesalers increased the prices of food items including cigarettes. - News advertisement

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Thursday, June 6, 2024


Muzaffarabad, before the budget, hoarders, wholesalers increased the prices of food items including cigarettes.

Wednesday June 5, 2024

Muzaffarabad (Urdu Point Newspaper Latest - NNI. 05 June 2024) Before the budget, hoarders and wholesalers increased the prices of cigarettes and other food items immensely. No steps can be taken to protect the rights of consumers. In the city of Muzaffarabad and its suburbs, hoarding, wholesalers were unrestrained, the virus of self-inflation began to spread throughout the city including the district. Thousands of miles away from the reach, shopkeepers started charging arbitrary rates, price control magistrates engaged in photo sessions, along with daily wage earners, carters, and those on social media started talking about the lack of implementation.

They were left at the mercy of the urban and rural wholesalers. According to the details, due to the disinterest of the price control magistrates and administration in the city and surrounding areas, the influential shopkeepers have implemented the forest law throughout the district. They have started robbing the pockets of the citizens by setting arbitrary rates. In this time of trouble, the profiteers have made it a routine to rob the poor white class people with both hands.

Influential grocery merchant owners have started selling flour, ghee, sugar and other essential items at arbitrary prices, while the people suffering from smoking have suffered due to the non-availability of cigarettes. Citizens have demanded the Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir to activate the check and balance system on an emergency basis against the shopkeepers who are involved in high street selling in the city and suburbs so that against the shopkeepers who sell expensive goods. Criminal cases should be registered, the poor, daily wage earners, laborers can buy food items at the rates set by the government and provide their children with 2 meals a day.

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Installation of GPS trackers with Kashmiris is condemnable, Raja Sajjad Ahmed Khan Advocate

Muzaffarabad (Urdu Point News Latest - NNI. 05 June 2024) President Central Bar Association of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Raja Sajjad Ahmed Khan Advocate accompanied the Modi-led Indian government to monitor the daily activities of the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Strongly condemned the installation of GPS tracking device and called it a clear violation of human rights and fundamental freedom.

Expressing these views while talking to the media, he described GPS trackers as a form of detention of Kashmiris under which people's movement and privacy are restricted. He clarified that the use of this technology reflects India's colonial mentality, which treats Kashmiris as slaves rather than citizens.

He termed the installation of GPS trackers with Kashmiris as a dangerous development which will pave the way for further surveillance and control of Kashmiris who are already besieged and victims of Indian atrocities. He urged the international community to take notice of India's increasing attacks on the basic rights and dignity of Kashmiris. Three Kashmiris have been fitted with GPS trackers. First, a GPS tracker was installed on 65-year-old Ghulam Muhammad Butt, a resident of Srinagar, in November last year.

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