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Friday, June 14, 2024


Paying duty first priority

 DG Food Authority praised the officers for their high performance in field operations against adulteration mafia, gave certificates of commendation. On the order of the Chief Minister of Punjab, 60% inspections and 90% fines were increased in the province against adulteration. DG Food Authority Asim Javed will die only by removing it

Friday, June 14, 2024

Lahore (Urdu Point News Latest - NNI. June 14, 2024) Paying duty is our first priority, DG Food Authority appreciated and awarded food safety officers for their high performance in field operations against adulteration mafia. According to the details, DG Food Authority said that fearless food safety officers are present in the field 24 hours a day to crack down on adulteration mafia.

On the orders of the Chief Minister of Punjab, the rate of inspections and 90% of fines was increased across the province against adulteration. DG Food Authority said that food safety officers perform their duties continuously 7 days a week. Be it the heat of the sun or the severity of the cold, Eid occasions or resistance in the field, food safety officers perform their duties in all kinds of difficult conditions. give

DG Food Authority further informed that more than 3 lakh 62 thousand food points and units have been checked since the beginning of the year and 400 cases have been registered against adulteration mafia. For violations of laws, 1300 were closed and more than 40 thousand were fined more than 45 crore 50 lakh while during the operations more than 1 lakh 90 thousand kg of non-standard meat, more than 6 lakh 36 thousand liters of adulterated milk, 44 thousand kg of spices were destroyed. And more than 1 lakh 97 thousand kilos of non-standard manufactured items involved in forgery were taken into custody.

Besides, samples of 6,345 items sold in the market were also sent for laboratory tests. DG Food Authority said providing healthy food to the people of Punjab is our first duty. We will root out the elements involved in counterfeiting, adulteration and fraud.

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