PCMEA delegation met with Collector Customs Appraisal, discussed about sending raw materials to Afghanistan via Torkham. - News advertisement

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Sunday, June 2, 2024


PCMEA delegation met with Collector Customs Appraisal, discussed about sending raw materials to Afghanistan via Torkham.

 Sunday, June 2, 2024

Islamabad (Urdu Point News Latest - APP. 02 June 2024) The delegation of Pakistan Carpet Manufacturers and Exporters Association (PCMEA) raised obstacles in sending raw materials to Afghanistan via Torkham and returning after partial preparation. met Collector Customs Appraisal and Facilitation Peshawar Amjad Rahman. The delegation consisting of Senior Member Riaz Ahmed and Major (R) Akhtar Nazir under the leadership of Senior Vice Chairman of the Association Usman Ashraf was assured that the problems identified They will be removed and ease will be created.

Collector Customs Amjad Rehman said that export of handmade carpets provides the country with valuable foreign exchange which is the most important need of the country.

Apart from this, the delegation led by Senior Vice Chairman of the Association, Usman Ashraf, also visited the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees at the invitation of the delegation. On the occasion of the visit to the refugee settlement and business facilitation center, the delegation was given a detailed briefing on various issues. .

The delegation also met the skilled migrant carpet makers and while appreciating their work, said that professional guidance is needed for further improvement, for which Carpet Training Institute and Pakistan Carpet Manufacturers and Exporters Association. Ready to offer their support. The delegation met with the officials at the UNHCR headquarters and discussed future plans and bilateral cooperation.

Usman Ashraf said that there was a very positive discussion with UNHCR officials regarding future bilateral cooperation, it is expected that an MoU will be signed in the coming days, which will allow us to move forward. Support will be provided. He said that the joint framework for cooperation between PCMEA and UNHRC was also discussed in detail in the meeting. He said that UNHCR is providing the best services for the refugees and we have offered all our possible support to improve the lives of these people.

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