Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar Haq bulldozed all Islamic principles and standards of development, Zahid Amin Advocate. - News advertisement

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar Haq bulldozed all Islamic principles and standards of development, Zahid Amin Advocate.

 Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Muzaffarabad (Urdu Point Newspaper Latest - NNI. 04 June 2024) Former Chairman Prime Minister Inspection and Import Commission Zahid Amin Advocate has said that Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar Haq has bulldozed all the Islamic principles and standards of development, for the establishment of a new electoral group university. Five already established universities are being destroyed. The purchase of buses from the colleges sector for Bhambar University has met the rules and regulations.

He said that already one bus worth one and a half crore rupees purchased by Colonel Waqar is standing idle at several places. The private visit of the opposition leader to the UK at the important stage of the final arrangement of the budget is meaningful. He said that despite being the leader of the opposition, the MLA of the third capital city has not been able to visit the planning and development even once during the last three months.

He said that according to the law, the planning and development authorities are bound to keep the opposition leader aware of the budget. He said that not a single new mega project has been given under the current development year of 2023-24 and the upcoming 2024-25 annual development program in Capital City Region Three.

He said that a cowardly expedient MLA has slaughtered Capital City Constituency III in every sector during the last 35 months. They will try to please the voters. They have appealed to the new generation and the local government members to play a vital role in preventing the ongoing development exploitation.

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