'Hinduja' family accused of spending more money on dog care than domestic workers 'Human trafficking is a serious crime in Switzerland', reports
Thursday 20 June 2024
Geneva (Urdupoint News Latest - International Press Agency. June 20, 2024) Britain's richest family of Indian origin "Hinduja" is facing court proceedings in Geneva on charges of human trafficking and inhumane treatment of employees. Spending more money on their dog's care than their domestic workers Human trafficking is a serious crime in Switzerland, while the Hinduja family denies the charges against them.
According to the British broadcasting organization, the billionaire Hinduja family has been at the top of the list of the richest people in Britain for three years. In 2023, the wealth of this family has reached 37.196 billion pounds with an increase of almost two billion pounds.
All the charges against the Hinduja family, who live in the posh Colony area of ​​Geneva, are related to the practice of importing domestic workers from India to take care of the children and the household.Prakash and Kamal Hinduja, and their sons Ajay and His wife Nimrata is accused of confiscating the passports of domestic workers, paying them just seven pounds for 18 hours a day and giving them little freedom to leave the house.
A financial settlement was reached last week over the exploitation of the employees, but despite this, the human trafficking case against the Hinduja family is pending. The salary paid compares to the cost of the family's dog. The Hinduja family reportedly spends up to $10,000 a year on their dog. Lawyers for the Hinduja family have not denied allegations of low wages, but say It should be seen in context and should also take into account that domestic workers are also provided accommodation and food.
He has also denied the allegation of making the employees work for long hours.A lawyer appearing for the family argued that watching movies with the children of the Hinduja family cannot be called work, the Hinduja family said in its defence. Some ex-employees were also presented as witnesses in the court. These ex-employees described the attitude of Hinduja family as friendly.
He said that the family members treat their domestic workers with respect. The allegations against the Hinduja family of confiscating the passports of the workers and not allowing them to leave the house without permission are very serious and can fall under the category of human trafficking. Yves Brutosa is demanding prison terms and millions of dollars in compensation for members of the Hinduja family, as well as legal fees. The alleged abuse has made headlines.