The closure of institutions in Occupied Kashmir has caused the most serious threats to human rights, Uzair Ahmed Ghazali - News advertisement

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Thursday, June 13, 2024


The closure of institutions in Occupied Kashmir has caused the most serious threats to human rights, Uzair Ahmed Ghazali

 International organizations should play their effective role in ending the restrictions imposed by the Delhi government on human rights institutions in Occupied Kashmir.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Muzaffarabad (Urdu Point News Latest - NNI. June 13, 2024) Human rights have been seriously threatened by the closure of institutions like the State Human Rights Commission and the Kashmir Independent Press Club in Occupied Kashmir. Pasban Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir - In a statement issued to the media from Muzaffarabad, Chairman Pasban Hurriyat Uzair Ahmad Ghazali said that the State Human Rights Commission, an organization working for human rights in the state of Jammu and Kashmir occupied by India, neutral journalism. The closure of the well-known organization Kashmir Independent Press Club, Information and Women's Commission and the Right to Information Act in 2019, after which the Indian terrorist soldiers and other forces under the command of Delhi got an open license to subject the Kashmiri citizens to the worst atrocities. Due to the closure of these institutions in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the Kashmiri people have become victims of insecurity.

He said that on June 29, 2011, a judicial commission was established based on the report of the State Human Rights Commission, an independent investigative body against the security personnel who killed Junaid Khoru during custody. Convicted in the murder and decided to suspend the two security personnel involved in the violence.

But after the abolition of SHRC, the culprits did not get any punishment. He further said that now there is no agency to target or independently investigate the war crimes, terrorist acts and illegal activities of Indian soldiers in Indian Occupied Kashmir. Due to which the Indian occupying forces are freely committing the worst crimes like killing, illegal arrests, torture of Kashmiri citizens in fake encounters.

He demanded the international human rights organizations Amnesty International, Asia Watch, Office of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights and Save the Children to end the restrictions imposed by the Delhi government on human rights organizations in Occupied Kashmir. Play your effective role. He demanded the right of access to information to the Kashmiri citizens and said that he has demanded the end of the strictest restrictions imposed on the media in Kashmir.

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In Occupied Kashmir, the Modi government seized the property of another Kashmiri

Thursday 13 June 2024

Srinagar (Urdu Point News Latest - NNI. June 13, 2024) The sectarian Indian government of BJP led by Narendra Modi has seized the property of another Kashmiri in the illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir of India.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the occupying Indian administration seized the two-storey house of a person named Riyaz Ahmad Butt in Gandul area of ​​Islamabad district under the black act of prevention of illegal activities "UAPA". The administration has said. That Riaz Ahmed's house was confiscated for participating in pro-liberation activities.

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