The latest act of state terrorism by Indian soldiers martyred two Kashmiri youths of Pulwama district - News advertisement

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Monday, June 3, 2024


The latest act of state terrorism by Indian soldiers martyred two Kashmiri youths of Pulwama district

 Monday June 3, 2024

Srinagar (Urdu Point Newspaper Latest - APP. June 03, 2024) In the latest act of state terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir illegally occupied by India, Indian soldiers martyred two more Kashmiri youth in Pulwama district. According to Kashmir Media Service. Indian soldiers, paramilitary forces personnel martyred the youth during a joint search and siege operation in Nahama area of ​​the district.

Indian soldiers also destroyed a house with explosives in the area, from the debris of which bodies of young people were recovered. All Party Hurriyat Conference spokesperson Advocate Abdul Rasheed Minhas said in a statement issued in Srinagar that the Indian government of the BJP is using the army and the notorious investigative agencies NIA and SIA to harass the Kashmiris and suppress their right-based freedom struggle. Used as a tool.

He warned that India's policy of using military force on Jammu and Kashmir poses a serious threat to regional and global peace and security. He urged the international community to play a role in giving Kashmiris their inalienable right to self-determination. Kashmiri people have adopted a new method of resistance to expose the atrocities of the Indian army through posters.

In the posters pasted in Srinagar and adjacent areas, it was said that the Indian Army is promoting the Hindutva ideology of Hindu supremacy in Occupied Kashmir and targeting ordinary Kashmiris and local police personnel. It has been exposed when a team of Indian Army stormed a police station in Kupwara district and brutally tortured Kashmiri police officers and personnel who were investigating a case related to Indian Army atrocities.

Four policemen were seriously injured due to the violence of the soldiers, while the army abducted one policeman and took them with them. Meanwhile, the occupying administration has tightened the restrictions in all the districts and towns of Occupied Kashmir on the occasion of the counting of votes for the Lok Sabha elections. .

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