Under the chairmanship of Chaudhry Muhammad Farid, the Department of Education reviewed the completion of admissions in schools, colleges, madrasas and prisons and the release of classes. - News advertisement

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Under the chairmanship of Chaudhry Muhammad Farid, the Department of Education reviewed the completion of admissions in schools, colleges, madrasas and prisons and the release of classes.

 Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Muzaffarabad (Urdu Point News Latest - APP. 04 June 2024) The Education Department has completed the admissions and release of classes in schools, colleges, madrasas and jails for the implementation of the Skilled Kashmir Program of the Azad Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The review meeting was held under the chairmanship of Chairman Azad Jammu and Kashmir Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority Chaudhry Muhammad Fareed in the committee room of Toyota Complex New Prime Minister House Jalalabad.

In this meeting, Secretary Chief Operating Officer Azad Jammu and Kashmir Tuta Dr. Masood Ahmad Bukhari, directors, deputy directors, assistant directors, besides supporting staff operation, admin, finance, academics, TTB and publicity participated. Video link shared.

In the meeting, all the officers and support staffs of the Central Office, TTB informed about the details of the registration courses from the Self Finance Foundation in Schools, Colleges, Madrasas and the immediate release of the classes and the Principal District Coordinators of the Subsidiary Institutions in their respective districts. In relation to the launch of classes in educational institutions, madrasahs, prisons and private institutions, their own progress, including the launch of classes, registration of institutions, advertisement of admissions and with the officers of the Department of Education to make the program successful. Presented a report on the meeting held.

So far, classes have been launched in 29 institutions, including male and female institutions and madrasas, and the Chairman Authority appreciated the performance of the head office officers and principals of the field institutions for utilizing their skills and Targets were also given to launch classes in more institutions out of personal interest so that students from poor families are equipped with technical training during summer vacations and benefit from employment opportunities based on their skills along with education. In this regard, the next meeting will be held on June 9, 2024, in which the given target and performance will be reviewed.

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