Visit of Philippa Kendler Neduka Loralai, UNHCR Representative in Pakistan - News advertisement

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Friday, June 7, 2024


Visit of Philippa Kendler Neduka Loralai, UNHCR Representative in Pakistan

 Friday, June 7, 2024

Loralai (Urdu Point News Latest - NNI. 07 June 2024) UNHCR representative in Pakistan Philippa Kendler Nido arrived in Loralai on a one-day visit accompanied by UNHCR representative North Balochistan Nasrullah Khan Musa Khel, Commissioner. CAR Balochistan Arbab Talib Kasi and Philippa Kendler, who were present, reviewed the conditions of Afghan refugees in the camps/RVs and interacted with the local authorities.

The two-day visit reviewed the refugee situation, identified challenges and sought solutions, and acted as an advocate for refugee rights among states. Visit to Loralai, met Commissioner Loralai Dwaydan Balach Aziz and Deputy Commissioner Loralai Miran Baloch and also inspected the historical Commissioner and DC residences built by the British during the British rule - Visit to refugee camps RV Katwai, Visit to School No. 31 in Katwai Camp, Heads of all three camps met separately with women's groups in Katwai Camp.

- Listening to their problems, grievances and grievances, assessment of camp conditions and facilities, discussion with local authorities on issues related to refugees - Inauguration of a school Government Girls Model High School Loralai and all high schools to get first position in Loralai Distribution of tablets among female students. Students were given a total of 40 tabs.

Meeting with RPO and SSP at DIG office as curtsey call and if giving letter of thanks for all cooperation. - Engaging with Afghan refugees and understanding their concerns - Inauguration of girls' school to promote education and empowerment - Distribution of tablets to support digital learning - In the end he Commissioner Loralai Dweden Balach Aziz Deputy Commissioner Loralai Meeran Thanked Baloch DIG Police Nazar Ahmad Kurd for his special cooperation and security arrangements

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IPS Airways has not taken any permission to start flights between Pakistan and UK, Civil Aviation Authority Spokesman

ISLAMABAD (Urdu Point News Latest - APP. 07 June 2024) Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority has informed air travelers that the private airline IPS Airways has received the authority to start direct flights between Pakistan and the United Kingdom. No permission has been taken.

The spokesperson of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority has said in a message issued here on Thursday that it has come to our notice that some persons claiming to be the representatives of IPS Airways are claiming to start direct flights between Pakistan and United Kingdom. are doing and in this regard a marketing video is circulating in which online booking has been started.

The spokesman said that it is informed that any airline intending to operate flights to or from Pakistan must obtain approval from the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA). The spokesperson said that so far IPS Airline UK has neither applied for nor received such permission from the Pakistan Civil Aviation authorities. The spokesman advised the air passengers to be careful in this regard, Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority is grateful for the attention of the passengers.

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