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Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Sports leagues requested to submit monetary, review reports

 Move plans to guarantee more prominent straightforwardness and legitimate use of assets dispensed to sports alliances

September 03, 2024


The Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) has given a mandate to 44 games organizations, requesting the accommodation of nitty gritty monetary and review reports.

As indicated by the PSB, this move intends to guarantee more noteworthy straightforwardness and appropriate usage of assets dispensed to sports leagues.

In a new letter, the PSB advised the leagues to submit monetary subtleties direly, and inability to do so could bring about the suspension of monetary help to the said organization.

As indicated by the letter sent by the PSB, the board has requested that organizations submit total and reviewed budget summaries for the financial year finishing on June 30, 2024.

Likewise, the leagues ought to ensure the reports by a perceived sanctioned bookkeeper firm to affirm their precision and adherence to monetary principles.

The board underscores that leagues ought to give bank-authenticated duplicates of all ledger proclamations from January 1, 2023, to August 31, 2024, to confirm the legitimacy of monetary exchanges and to guarantee right asset the executives.

The cutoff time to present these reports is September 15, 2024, and the load up has cautioned that inability to follow these prerequisites could bring about a suspension of future monetary help.

A representative for the PSB underlined that the point of these actions reaches out past simple consistence with rules and guidelines.

"Our goal is to guarantee that the assets are utilized accurately and successfully benefit the competitors addressing our country. These means are important for our more extensive endeavors to cultivate monetary straightforwardness, which is fundamental for the improvement of sports and the support of competitors in Pakistan," the representative expressed.

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