Govt finishes up converses with 14 IPPs over cutting power cost - News advertisement

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Sunday, December 15, 2024


Govt finishes up converses with 14 IPPs over cutting power cost

 NTDC issues changed merit request inciting energy service's team to start discussions with other IPPs

December 15, 2024


NTDC issues merit request for chats with IPPs working on exorbitant fuel.

Halmore Power creating power at walloping Rs61.23 per kWh.

Uch has most minimal age cost at Rs3.11 per kWh through petroleum gas.

ISLAMABAD: The public authority has effectively closed talks with 14 leftover heater oil (RFO)- based free power makers (IPPs) under "take and pay" terms, The News covered Sunday.

This improvement comes right after Top state leader Shehbaz Sharif's declaration with respect to the staged closure of obsolete power plants the nation over, pointed toward handling taking off power costs and further developing energy effectiveness.

Moreover, the Public Transmission and Dispatch Organization (NTDC) has given a changed legitimacy request, inciting the Service of Energy's team to start converses with administrators of force plants utilizing exorbitant fills like high velocity diesel (HSD), RFO, and yet again gasified melted petroleum gas.

The IPP with the most elevated age cost is Halmore Power, working on HSD, delivering power at Rs61.23 per kWh, while Uch, using petroleum gas, has the least age cost at Rs3.11 per kWh.

Other than Halmore, others are Saif Power and Sapphire Electric Co, both utilizing HSD at expenses of Rs60.8 per kWh. Arrange Power Organization is additionally HSD-based, creating power at Rs60.2 per kWh.

Engro PowerGen works on HSD, creating power at Rs55.2 per kWh, while NPPMC Baloki (CC) and QATPL Bhikki (CC) use HSD to deliver power at Rs53.2 and Rs51.6 per kWh, individually.

The RFO-fuelled Muzaffargarh B-III (Unit-6) produces power at Rs50.8 per kWh, and Punjab Nuclear energy, running on HSD, creates power at Rs50 per kWh.

Muzaffargarh B-III (Unit-5), Muzaffargarh B-I (Unit-2), and Muzaffargarh B-I (Unit-1) are RFO-fueled plants delivering power at Rs49.5, Rs48.2 and Rs47.5 per kWh separately.

Additionally, Muzaffargarh B-I (Unit-3) and Muzaffargarh B-II (Unit 4) work on RFO with age expenses of Rs46.5 per kWh each. The HSD-based NPPMC HBS (CC) creates power at Rs44.1 per kWh, while Saba, running on RFO, produces power at Rs43.9 per kWh.

Jamshoro B-II (Unit 2) utilizes RLNG at an expense of Rs43.5 per kWh, while Jamshoro B-II (Unit 3) runs on RLNG and RFO at Rs42.4 and Rs42.1 per kWh, individually. Jamshoro B-II (Unit 4) works on RLNG and RFO with age expenses of Rs41.5 and Rs40.1 per kWh, individually. Hubco, a RFO-based plant, produces power at Rs40.7 per kWh.

Muzaffargarh B-III (Unit-6) and Muzaffargarh B-III (Unit-5) are RLNG-energized plants with age expenses of Rs40.4 and Rs39.3 per kWh separately.

Altern Energy (Ph-I) works on RLNG at Rs39.6 per kWh, while Muzaffargarh B-I (Unit-2) and Muzaffargarh B-I (Unit-1), both RLNG-based, create power at Rs38.4 and Rs37.9 per kWh separately.

Jamshoro B-I (Unit 1) runs on RFO at Rs37.5 per kWh, while Muzaffargarh B-I (Unit-3) and Muzaffargarh B-II (Unit 4) work on RLNG with age expenses of Rs37.1 and Rs37.0 per kWh separately.

PakGen Power and Lalpir are RFO-energized plants creating power at Rs36.2 and Rs35.8 per kWh individually. Davis Energen runs on RLNG with an age cost of Rs34.9 per kWh, and Freedom Power Tech, fueled by RFO, produces power at Rs34.3 per kWh. Nishat Chunian and Narowal Power work on RFO, producing power at Rs33.4 and Rs33.2 per kWh, individually.

KEL, Attock Gen and Nishat Power are RFO-based plants with age expenses of Rs32.9, Rs32.3 and Rs31.5 per kWh, separately.

The FKPCPL utilizes RLNG and produces power at Rs31.4 per kWh, a similar expense as Chart book Power and Altern Energy (Ph-II), which work on RFO and RLNG individually. At last, Rousch, fueled by RLNG, creates power at Rs28.8 per kWh. The public authority plans to facilitate discussions to guarantee cost decreases and expanded effectiveness in the energy area.

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