Jamie Lee Curtis to take over notorious Jessica Fletcher job in 'Murder, She Composed' - News advertisement

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Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Jamie Lee Curtis to take over notorious Jessica Fletcher job in 'Murder, She Composed'

 Jamie Lee Curtis is apparently top decision for lead job in 'Murder, She Composed' film transformation

December 17, 2024


Jamie Lee Curtis is supposedly considered to play Jessica Fletcher in a forthcoming Homicide, She Composed film transformation.

The notable job was initially played by Angela Lansbury in the series, which ran for 12 seasons until 1996.

Be that as it may, presently Curtis, who is known for her jobs in Halloween, Blades Out and more is the top decision for the film transformation.

As per a report by Cutoff time, All inclusive Pictures has thought about her for the lead job.

It is worth focusing on that there is no authority bargain affirmed neither the agent of Widespread and Curtis' group has answered.

Curtis, who is no more abnormal to the spine chiller sort, told Individuals magazine in 2022 that she arranged to avoid ghastliness any longer.

"After Halloween II (and The Haze and Prom Night), I said I wouldn't do any more frightfulness. But then ... the primary work I did next was a genuine life shocking tale, the NBC television film Passing of a Pin-up, depicting Dorothy Stratten, who was ruthlessly killed by her significant other. Before long, however, I would be sufficiently fortunate to go off and have those extraordinary open doors," she said.

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